*** Earth 0.000,0.000 Ranma found himself standing inside the grounds of the Tendo Dojo, its gates shut behind him. As he looked around for a few moments, his ears picked up the sounds of a fierce commotion coming from within the training hall. Curious, he headed towards it, just as a body was suddenly hurled out with a loud crash through one of the walls, landing almost at his feet in a bruised tangle of limbs. The sounds of furious battle continued unabated within the dojo, and he saw two indistinct figures flashing back and forth past the opening, engaging each other in brutal hand-to-hand combat. "H-hey there, bookworm," groaned the familiar-looking figure lying at his feet, another Ranma. The doppelganger got up and dusted himself off, but he eyed the dojo with a hint of nervousness on his features. "Hey yourself, tough guy," said the pigtailed scholar with a grin. "So, what's going on?" "Oh, nothing much," said Martial-Ranma. More yelling and the sounds of strife came from the dojo. "Excuse me a sec." Martial-Ranma leaped back into the dojo, and the general commotion paused long enough for a voice to be heard clearly, a female voice. "Oh, so you're back for more, you macho jerk?" said the mystery girl. The sounds of the battle's intensity cranked upwards a few notches for several seconds, to Ranma's continuing puzzlement. "What the hell is going on in there?" he wondered out loud. The sounds of combat culminated with a scream of female anger and the sound of a body hitting the dojo's floor. Hard. An eerie silence fell as Ranma crept towards the entrance of the dojo. Peeking in, he beheld two identical duplicates of himself busily tying up a female version of himself. All three were wearing the same outfits, red silk shirt and black pants. The girl's mouth was gagged, but her gaze promised much pain to the two who were binding her. With no noticeable lowering of intensity, her glare found Ranma. He goggled a moment before entering. "Uh, what's going on?" asked Ranma, not bothering to try and hide his confusion. "It's nuthin' you need to worry about, bookworm," said one of the two doppelgangers, quickly coming over to him and blocking his view. The other one slung the redhead over his shoulder and quickly carried her away into the house, her muffled screams of rage trailing behind them as he sprinted off with her. "Who was that?" asked Ranma, stopping suddenly. He studied the other Ranma, who suddenly looked nervous again. "Just a bad dream," said Martial-Ranma. "Forget you even saw her." A few moments later, from somewhere in the house, there came the firecracker-popping sounds of ropes snapping. A surprised-sounding male voice suddenly shouted, "AHH! She's loose again!" That cry was quickly followed up by the quite distinctive sounds of somebody getting brutally clobbered, and then a figure was blasted through the roof of the house and sent hurtling upwards into the sky. Ranma tracked its trajectory until he lost sight of it against the sun. "Serves you right, you jerk!" came a shout from within the house. A female figure appeared in one of the windows, an angry Ranma-chan. She eyed the two boys for a moment, and then she smiled nastily. "Damn, she's strong," muttered Martial-Ranma. "Who woulda thought?" The girl's gaze remained focused on them as she bounded out of the window, heading right towards the pair. Ranma had reflexively readied himself for a fight, but she landed just short of him. He and the girl studied each other for a long moment while Martial-Ranma took a step back. "Uh, she's all yours now, bookworm," said Martial-Ranma. "You try and deal with her." With a relieved wave, he vanished into thin air. Ranma found his attention dragged back to the redhead when she suddenly grabbed him by the front of his shirt. He blinked as she hauled him down to eye level with her. "Uh, hello?" He saw the girl studying him more closely. "I thought so," said the redhead, suddenly releasing her grip on him. "You're him, the moronic, perverted male version of me, who jumped into me, felt me up, and got us all into this mess." "Ranko?" asked Ranma, surprised to see her. "Who else?" replied Ranko sourly as she turned away from him for a moment. When she turned back and saw the stunned expression on his face, she rolled her eyes and softly muttered, "Idiot." "That's right," Ranma agreed without realizing it. He had been rethinking his experiment and his trips. "You were the second download." "Bingo," said Ranko with a smug look, pointing at Ranma. "You're cute, but a little slow on the uptake. Must be from all that testosterone soaking into our brain you have to deal with." Ranma studied her for a moment, pointedly ignoring her goading remarks, and then asked, "So, why haven't you shown yourself before?" "Well, duh," said Ranko with a shake of her head, "it's because those two microencephalic Neanderthals that you downloaded into your skull have been keeping me suppressed. Every time you dreamed, you only talked with them. I was," she looked down at the ground before casting a quick glance to the side, "elsewhere. The only time we saw each other before this, without them butting in, was when you were having that perverted dream." A memory bubble of the scene suddenly appeared in the air nearby, showing Ranma passionately kissing with a girl that seemed to be a composite of the girls he knew, her voice and hair color constantly shifting as he held her in his arms. Both Ranma and Ranko reddened at the sight, and Ranko's cheeks blushed even redder when the girl briefly looked and sounded like her. "Er, anyway," said Ranko quickly, somehow recovering first. "They've been keeping me locked away in your subconscious, like they're scared of me or something. I don't know what their mental malfunction is, but I'm not going to be bullied by any guy." She paused in her tirade to glare at him with ice in her eyes. "You got any problem with that?" "Uh, no. No problem," said Ranma very quickly, waving his hands in negation. "It's just a surprise seeing you." "Well, get used to it," huffed Ranko. "Since it looks like we're stuck with each other, likely for good." "Yay," said Ranma rather sarcastically, earning him another dark look from Ranko's lighter blue eyes. "I still haven't worked out all my frustrations, you know," Ranko said rather menacingly. She made a show of cracking her knuckles. "Care to help me out with that?" "Not right now," said Ranma, briefly studying his female analog. She looked exactly like the cursed form of those other Ranma's, especially dressed as she was. Realizing he had been staring, he quickly said, "Uh, I guess maybe we got off on the wrong foot, uh, Ranko. It's just weird, seeing you here like this. I mean, short of getting cursed like those other two versions of me did, I think I'm getting a little too much in touch with my feminine side." "Well, how do you think I feel?" Ranko retorted huffily. She briefly waved her arms around, like his real father sometimes did whenever he was lecturing. "This isn't even my brain. I'm just some kind of mnemonic ghost of the real me, a copy you made of her memories and personality, just like you did with those two macho jerks. But you don't seem to mind having either one of them around, oh no. Instead, I'm the one that gets treated like some kind of a pariah by this fusion of a psyche we're all sharing." Ranma wasn't sure what to say, so he acted on impulse and held out a hand. Ranko looked at him suspiciously. "I'm sorry for what's happened," said Ranma, smiling hesitantly. "Can we start over and try to be friends? Like you said, we're going to be together for, uh, for a long time, I guess." Ranko continued to gaze suspiciously at this male version of herself for several moments as she thought it over. The scientist within her was quite curious to talk with him. After all, this 'Ranma' was her male reflection in a quantum mirror, and she had to admit that his resonator invention was a fascinating concept. After a few brief moments spent considering the matter, Ranko suddenly reached out and took Ranma's hand. "Okay," said Ranko. She even gave him a tentative smile as they shook hands. Up close to Ranma, she spent some time studying him, noting he was several centimeters taller than she was. She also noticed that he was studying her as intently as she had been studying him, and her eyes narrowed. "It's rude to stare." Ranma blinked, and he said defensively, "You were doing it too." "I was not," argued Ranko. She quickly yanked her hand from his grasp and turned away. Behind her back, she heard Ranma muttering something under his breath, and she whirled back to face him. "I AM NOT A TOMBOY!" she shouted. She swiftly marched up to Ranma and punctuated her words with her finger poking him in the chest. "Take. That. Back." "Make me," said Ranma with a sudden, taunting smirk. Annoyed by the look on his face, Ranko attacked with a lightning-fast punch, knocking Ranma to the ground. She followed it up with an axe kick, bringing her heel down hard, but Ranma had already rolled away and back to his feet, a moment before it impacted where his ribcage would have been. But she was faster than he expected, already leaping at him with a flying dragon kick. Ranma blocked the kick, setting her up for a grappling hold. They wrestled intensely for a bit, rolling around on the ground as each of them struggled to subdue the other. Their battle alternated between being playful and serious, but it finally ended when Ranma managed to pin Ranko. She briefly struggled some more, but finally yielded when she could not budge his hold. Both of them were panting now, their eyes bright as they studied each other again. "That was fun," Ranko admitted with a sudden grin. Ranma grinned back, and he replied, "Yeah, it was." The redhead's face became more serious as she suddenly felt nervous at being held down by him like this. She glared at Ranma suspiciously. "You aren't getting any perverted ideas, are you?" "Sorry!" Ranma yelped, getting off her in a flash. He stood slightly turned away from her in a very suspicious looking half-crouch. "No, not me." Ranma quickly reiterated, "No perverted thoughts here!" "Take it easy, dummy," said Ranko, getting up and dusting herself off. Her expression shifted back to a grin. "I was just teasing you." The pigtailed scholar turned back to face her, put his hand behind his head and chuckled for a moment, before he quickly said, "Uh, reflex action, I guess. From one of the other analogs." "Well, at least I know one of your weaknesses now," said Ranko with an impudent look. She came up and gave him a friendly punch to the arm. "Just watch it with the tomboy remarks. No self-respecting girl would put up with being called that, especially me. And you sound like that stupid Kaneda when you do that. Do it again, and I'll have to kick your ass all around this dreamscape." She grinned playfully. "After all, you shouldn't talk that way about your sister." "Sister, eh?" asked Ranma, realizing that it made an odd sort of sense to think of her as that. "Make that older sister," corrected a still-grinning Ranko. "After all, my birthday is three days before yours. So listen to your older sister at all times, and we'll get along fine." Ranma snorted. He wondered if Nabiki or Kodachi had these sorts of weird dreams. He would have to ask them sometime. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Quantum Destinies A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic By Jurai Knight (sthesken@earthlink.net) Ranma 1/2 and its characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi. This story is inspired by her works and the stories from some of my fellow fanfic authors. Among these are D.B. Sommer's "Shampoo 1/2", Jim Bader's "A Very Scary Thought -aka- Nabiki 1/2", and John Biles' Elseworlds series. All C&C is welcome. Other chapters of this story may be found at this website, or you can email the author for them: The Quantum Destinies Homepage http://home.earthlink.net/~sthesken/fanfics/qd.html The list of worlds reoccurring in this chapter: Earth 0.000,0.000 - The world of Scholar Ranma (Baseline cluster) Earth +1.612,+1.509 - The world of Shampoo 1/2 (Shampoo 1/2 cluster) What has gone before in this story (or at least what will help you understand what is going on): On a parallel Earth that diverged from the standard Ranma timeline over five hundred years ago, the Empire of Japan rules almost half the world and has done so for almost a century. A young scientist named Ranma Saotome, through a device of his invention, is now possessed of the skills and memories of a martial artist version of himself. Kenseiko's battle with Nodoka ended in victory for the noblewoman, resurrecting a twenty-year old rivalry. Akane was easily defeated by Sakura when the other girl revealed a special technique. And Ranma emerged victorious in his own battle with Utena, but complications to his life have begun brewing. Finally, Ryoga Hibiki's encounter in the mountains during his quest for a certain ninja brings him closer to his portion of destiny. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chapter 16 - Born To Be Wild The wildest colts make the best horses. - Plutarch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *** Earth +1.612,+1.509 Happosai silently dropped down on the wall surrounding the Tendo Dojo. It was oddly quiet, and that was a surprise. Usually, by this time of the morning, at least two people could be counted on to be training, that cutie-pie, Shampoo, and his wretched ingrate of an apprentice, Ranma. He scanned the grounds again. Something felt very different about this place. Even though he wasn't staying here, he still checked on it now and then, but it had been a number of days since he was last by. The ancient (but far from revered) Master of the Anything-Goes School bounded across the distance separating him from the house. He grinned in anticipation of sneaking a long peek at a sleeping Shampoo, or maybe even a lingering ogle of the delectable Ranma-chan. His feet touched down on the roof, and he swung down to peer into Shampoo's room. It was empty. Puzzled, Happosai scrambled across the roof and peered into Ranma and Genma's room, but it was empty as well. He frowned and thought about it. All three of them could have been gone on some sort of training trip, but the rooms felt emptier than that, empty with an odd sort of finality to it. Dropping down off the roof, Happosai landed on the ground with a slight grunt as his legs soaked up the impact. He quietly opened the door to the house and headed down the hall towards Soun's room. He gently slid the door open, slipped inside, and closed it behind him. Then he paused and stared at what lay beyond. For one of the few times in his long life, he was astonished. Soun had been drinking, apparently heavily. His bedroom was tidy (undoubtedly due to Kasumi's efforts), but the bed and the occupant were far from such a state. The Tendo family patriarch clutched an empty bottle of sake to his chest like a lover, muttering in his sleep. Happosai hopped the length of the room and landed beside Soun's bed, a faint note of concern crossing his features for the very briefest of moments. He rapped once on Soun's skull with the bowl of his pipe, but there was no response, other than the man clutching the bottle a little more tightly, as if he was choking it. Happosai leaned in a little closer to hear better as Soun muttered some more. "Genma... man-to-man promise," Soun muttered. He grumbled some other things that were unintelligible for several moments. His words then firmed up enough to make out, "... used my friendship... left with that freak of a son... Shampoo... dear Akane will make them pay...." Things continued on for a while like that as Happosai quietly listened and tried to make sense of what had happened. "Father?" suddenly came Kasumi's voice timidly through the door. "Are you awake? Would you like me to make you some breakfast?" There was a pause for several moments, then came a faint sigh and the muted sound of slippered feet walking away. "Genma, m'boy, what have you done?" Happosai muttered. He absently lit his pipe and thought about all this. It seemed obvious that the future of the Anything-Goes School was in doubt, and that concerned him a bit. Something had happened while he was away to turn this household upside down, and it looked like it was up to him to set things right. However, first there were fragile, young women that needed comforting as only he could give it. So, with a lecherous grin, he tamped out his pipe and headed out of Soun's bedroom. It was quiet for several long moments, then a feminine scream was heard. "Oh great, this is all we need," came Nabiki's distinctive voice in response to Kasumi's surprised cry. This was followed up by sounds of someone battering someone else into pulp with something heavy, perhaps an iron skillet. Then, there was a final sound of metal impacting hard against flesh and bone, and a fast-fading cry of pain heading off into the distance. Several moments of silence passed, then Nabiki's voice dryly continued, "Remind me to never get you mad at me when you're in a kitchen, Sis." ****************************** Genma sat at the breakfast table, enjoying a cup of tea as he watched Ranma and Shampoo sparring before the morning meal. Although it was not his real son out there, he felt a measure of fatherly pride well up within him. When he got back home, he would have to get his own body back into shape. Working with this one was producing a steady rate of improvement, despite the amount of food that this Nodoka kept trying to feed him. "Pop watching us again," said Shampoo during a lull in the fierce match she was having against Ranma. "Yeah, I know," replied the pigtailed boy, catching his breath. "I just wish I could figure out what he's up to." "Shampoo not know. Shampoo not care." "Huh? Why not?" "Ranma not like being home?" asked the Amazon. "Ranma not like having Pop working at job? Shampoo think Ranma being too suspicious." Ranma studied the ground intently for a moment before replying, "I can't explain it, Shampoo. It's just such a change. I even checked on him at his job, and it's on the up-and-up. And then there's all those weird books he's been reading, and they ain't about martial arts. Why the hell would my old man be reading up on stuff like that?" "Pop is acting strange. But is good kind of strange, yes?" Shampoo was getting a bit tired of Ranma's suspicions. As far as she could tell, Genma had been acting like a proper father of late, at least as much as she knew what a typical Japanese father was like. And Nodoka looked quite happy, especially lately, most likely a result of the sounds that now emerged every night from the room she shared with her husband. "I dunno," muttered Ranma. "I just can't shake this weird feeling that I got." The Amazon shrugged and said, "Shampoo think Ranma brood too much. But it leave you open." "Huh?" Ranma was taken by surprise by Shampoo's punch, knocking him to the ground. He rolled back to his feet with a grin. "Oh, you wanna play? Fine." Launching himself at the Amazon, the pair went after each other with renewed vigor, Ranma's brooding look replaced with a smile. Shampoo herself smiled, but whether it was from lifting Ranma's spirits or the challenge of the fight even she couldn't tell. Genma watched the pair battling each other. The fatherly smirk was still on his lips as he watched the Amazon force the boy back for a minute or so, but his eyes looked a little bit sad. The homesickness was wearing at him, not to mention the stresses of hiding who he really was. He hoped that his Ranma contacted him again, and soon. ****************************** Shadows dwindled in an alleyway somewhere within Nerima, victims of the morning sunlight spreading itself across Tokyo. It was typical of such places, and looked little different from those in any other major city a person would care to name. A stray newspaper rested against a brick wall. Rats and other vermin scurried about, seeking shelter and food, an urban ecosystem in normal operation. A light materialized in the midst of the alleyway, well out of sight of the street. It spread outwards from an initial pinprick glow to form into a rippling circle of golden light suspended in mid-air. Objects could still be seen through the effect, but they were distorted, as if seen through a warped piece of glass. The air pressure within the alleyway dipped slightly, as a faint breeze rustled the newspaper and blew it in the direction of the anomaly. Several moments after it had first appeared, a single human figure was suddenly disgorged from the midst of the rippling distortion, landing with a grunt as it did a quick tuck and roll. Fortunately, there were no human witnesses to this strange arrival. A few seconds later, the anomaly collapsed with a faint sort of sizzling sound. ****************************** A slender, child-like figure, swathed in a gray robe, paused in the midst of her morning meditations, and a brief gasp of bewilderment was heard. The low-hanging cowl of the robe's hood cast a deep shadow that hid much of the figure's face, but the mouth could still be seen. And the lips of that mouth were now twisted into an expression of surprise. "Another one?" came a puzzled voice from within the hood, youthful in tone. On innumerable worlds across the cosmos, this slightly-built figure was called the Seer, an individual both blessed and cursed with a knowledge of future events. Now, for the third time in her long existence, and without any hint of forewarning, an anomaly had appeared, bringing to life new lines of possibilities previously unknown. ****************************** Quickly standing up from where she had come to rest, the odd visitor was revealed to be a young, red-headed girl, wearing what appeared to be a stylized version of the Furinkan uniform. Brushing absently at some wayward dirt that had decided to cling to her uniform jacket, she quickly regained her bearings while muttering under her breath. "I wonder where I am this time? If I meet another 'traditional' Ranko Saotome who can only think of making sure her home and cooking will be acceptable for whomever her parents pick as her husband, I think I'll puke." Glancing around the alleyway, Ranko was glad to see that she was alone. She let out a breath she had been holding, and her stomach rumbled with hunger. Ranko ignored her body's demands for food for the moment, reaching into her uniform's jacket pocket and pulling out a handheld device. After examining the display briefly, she grunted once and replaced it within her jacket. With a resigned look on her face, she headed out of the alleyway to the nearby street. The few people on the street barely gave Ranko a glance as she scanned the area outside the alleyway she had arrived in. Her eyes quickly zeroed in on a small restaurant opening up for morning business. She fingered the small bundle of yen-notes in one of her pockets, and she prayed that they would be accepted as the local currency. Still, she would wash dishes if she needed to. Many days spent on this lonely journey had taught her to be pragmatic. Her home seemed like an eternity ago, even though it had been barely three weeks of time. She supposed that her parents were frantic for her to return, but each transition seemed to be taking her further and further away from them. A wave of weariness washed over her, and she closed her eyes briefly and leaned back against a nearby wall. She had been questing for anti-gravity, and the equation she had so painstakingly evolved from her father's work on quantum mechanics had seemed to point at it. She patted the pocket where her "anti-gravity" device rested. Activating it that first time had produced a field effect that hung suspended in midair, roughly two meters in diameter, rings rippling outward from the center at random intervals. Caught up in the wonder at what she had created, she had reached out and touched it- Ranko snapped her eyes back open. A few people on the street were now watching her curiously, her dirty uniform seeming to attract most of their attention. She hurried across the street before anyone tried to speak to her. Perhaps Furinkan did not exist on this version of Earth. Experience had shown her that it was much less trouble if she could blend in, so she ducked into a used clothing store. She was normally better prepared for a transit, but some unexpected trouble on the last Earth had cost her the small carrysack she had acquired a few weeks ago. Luckily, she had managed to hang onto the device, what she now dubbed her quantum tunneler. Besides, a new world offered new possibilities for finding a way back home. She was not about to lose hope so early in the game, and she would never give up. A Saotome never quit. A few minutes later, Ranko emerged from the store, dressed in a more comfortable outfit than her uniform had been. She had even lucked into finding a small backpack that she had put her Furinkan uniform into. And she was also relieved when the sales clerk had accepted the yen notes from her small horde of currency without question. That meant she could get a meal and plan out her next moves. With a more cheerful look on her face, she started down the street. Ranko had walked only a few blocks, leisurely spending her time eyeing the various shops, when an unexpected weight suddenly landed on her and clung to her chest. She stood frozen in surprise for a moment. "Ranma, m'boy!" joyfully shouted Happosai. He nuzzled his face against the fullness of the feminine bounty before him, restoring his battered body to full health, feeling quite content. Now he could find out why Genma had packed up his two favorite cuties and left so suddenly. Ranko lowered her gaze slowly, a fire kindling within her eyes. She was familiar with this old letch, his name synonymous with a curse on a few of the timeline tangents she had visited during her journeys so far. His appearance both raised questions and answered some. For example, why was he calling her by a boy's name? Did the Genma of this tangent name his daughter Ranma? Either way, it didn't matter. Right now she had a little pervert to pound into paste. "Happosai," Ranko growled. It would feel good to let off some steam, and she was reasonably certain that the local populace would thank her for it. She launched an attack at the tiny figure. "Get off!" The diminutive martial arts master (and notorious pervert) evaded the strike, reluctantly detaching himself from the redhead. Still, nothing like a little playtime to work up an appetite for breakfast. He set himself for her next attack, the two of them facing off with grim looks at each other. That attack was not long in coming as the redheaded girl launched herself at him in a furious display of punches and kicks. He could see that the boy had improved his speed since the last time they last played together. "So where's your father, boy?" asked Happosai, dodging aside from one of Ranko's assaults and sending her spinning into a nearby wall with a jab from his pipe. Ranko's face had gone slightly numb from the impact against the wall, and she could feel blood trickling from her nose. The little troll was fast! She shook her head to clear it, suddenly smiling quite evilly. Happosai was in for a little surprise. She felt a familiar buzz rising up from the depths in the back of her brain. "I don't know where Genma is, Happosai," said Ranko truthfully. She felt the buzz moving through her brain, eliciting little tremors of an almost erotic pleasure within her. "But you should be more worried about me." She felt the buzzing spread out to fill her mind- -and Ranko boosted. Happosai blinked in surprise as the redhead came at him even faster and stronger than before. He dodged and parried several punches and kicks, before tossing the girl back into the same wall as he had before for her troubles, although not quite as casually as before. She came right back at him a third time, but her blouse was now parted open from getting hung up on a protruding nail or something. The sight of her ample feminine assets displayed for his gaze distracted Happosai for a couple of moments, and Ranko's fist slammed hard into his face with bone-crushing force, dazing him. She then kicked him as hard as she could, launching him into the sky for parts unknown. The matter of Happosai now dealt with, Ranko let her body fall out of boost. She staggered for a moment in brief weakness as the biochemical stew began to purge from her system, and the redhead leaned against the wall that the ancient pervert had been bouncing her off of. She wiped a slight sheen of perspiration from her brow. She had discovered that particular ability during her travels by accident, along with other things as well. A cool breeze made itself felt against her semi-bare front, and she grimaced as she closed her blouse back up. The topmost button had come off during the fight, leaving her looking perhaps a little bit daring in her wardrobe, but otherwise acceptable. She shouldered her bag and headed off to get a meal. Things always looked better after a good meal. ****************************** Happosai crashed to the ground, leaving a small impact crater in the solid concrete that had broken his fall. He levered himself up with a grimace, his vision still filled with occasional exploding stars. He hurt, but he would recover. He just needed to find a young lovely to press himself against, and his extensive injuries would heal. Then he was going to find Ranma, the little punk, and show him the wrath of Happosai unleashed. How dare he do this to him? "Well, well, well," came an unfamiliar voice, and a foot planted itself hard in the small of the ancient pervert's back. "This looks like it's my lucky day. I've found you at last, Happosai." Happosai growled as his face was smashed into the shattered concrete. Getting beaten up twice in one morning was quite enough 'fun' for him. He was not about to suffer it a third time. Whoever this was, he was going to be sorry for picking on an old man in his time of misery. With a grin, Pantyhose Tarou bent down to pick up the object of his quest. He hoisted up the battered form of Happosai and shook him a bit. He grinned even more broadly when the old man opened up one blackened eye and glared at him. People on the street ignored the scene. This was Nerima, after all. "Now," said Tarou lazily, "you and I have a serious matter to discuss, and I don't think you're in any shape to disagree with my demands." "I'm not in the mood for this right now, ya little punk," grumbled the old lecher. Then, without another word, he kicked himself free of Tarou's grip and dropped to the ground. "Check back with me a little later, like next month." His eyes then went wide as he saw a young woman bend down across the street to pick up her dropped purse, giving him a nice view. Already forgetting the young man with the odd style of clothing, Happosai started to bound off towards the woman. Tarou snatched the old pervert out of the air, no longer grinning. How dare this old man ignore him like that? He shook Happosai. "I say when you're leaving, and not bef-" Happosai landed back on the ground as he watched Tarou sail across the street, bouncing once or twice across the asphalt like a stone skipping across a pond. He saw the boy slam into a building across the street, but it was not enough to do more than briefly daze him. He sensed the buildup of a battle aura emerging from the boy within moments. As he watched Tarou stand back up, Happosai took a few moments to get a quick recharge from a young woman standing nearby. Strength flooded into his body, and he felt like a new man. Tarou charged down the street and across it, enraged now to see the old pervert ignoring him again to feel up some woman. He shoved people out of his way, trying to get through the crowd on the street. Nothing was going to keep him from his goal. He shoved one last figure aside, a tall man dressed in a robe like some sort of street preacher, who had not gotten out of his way quickly enough. Continuing on without missing a beat, Tarou did not see the man stumble into the street. Happosai was right there in front of him, and his vision had gone red with rage as he launched a flying kick at the old man. Nothing was going to keep the ancient pervert from his wrath. The figure in robes picked himself up and stared evilly at the youth who had the audacity to shove him aside, as though he were nothing more than a common man. The boy would pay for that. The figure had to save the majority of his power for the ultimate spell, but he had enough excess to deal with this fool. Eldritch fire burned within him as he cast a spell, ordering, "See nothing!" Without realizing it, every figure in sight averted their gaze from the man in the robes, finding their interest captivated by anything other than him. A second spell was cast as black tentacles of pure magic extended from his fingertips, wrapping themselves around the unsuspecting Tarou's limbs and neck, hoisting him above the concrete of the sidewalk and preventing him from gaining any leverage with which to break out. "Now you..." the figure paused in his threat as he saw something coming towards him from out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see the grill of a bus no more than a half a foot from his face. There was just enough time for him to realize his mistake in not leaving the street before casting his first spell. The robed figure had time for only a single, choked-off cry before the bus smashed him to the ground, his form vanishing beneath the wheels of the vehicle. Blood and gore splashed as his bones were crushed to pulp by the mass rolling over him, the pain ending for him when his skull shattered open. For a moment, the driver thought he felt the bus run over something. But that was ridiculous. He had been paying attention the entire time. He would have noticed if something had been in the road. He had seen nothing there. Nothing at all. ****************************** A multitude of potential futures suddenly screamed out in anguish, and were suddenly extinguished. The Seer sagged slightly in relief as her inner Sight took it all in. One previously unknown path had now become the true course of history, and what she had once feared would come to pass had been banished to parahistory. And it had all happened so quickly, it stunned even her. Yet no one but herself should ever know the difference. Shrugging her shoulders, the Seer continued her meditations. Now that one crisis had been unexpectedly nullified, her attention could turn to other matters. Somehow, elements from some distant form of parahistory had begun appearing in this world recently. The first two anomalies had been relatively mild in their immediate effect, casting out waves of change that were permeating slowly throughout the timeline. But this latest anomaly had interacted with the changes instituted by the first two, with far more dramatic results. She decided to investigate the newest anomaly, wondering what it would bring forth if it remained. It was unprecedented for parahistory to affect history like it had been doing lately, and the Seer was somewhat concerned at the potential ramifications. She could See numerous new pathways blossoming outwards from this point, pathways that had not existed before the latest anomaly's appearance. She chose to follow a region of them where this anomaly decided to stay for awhile. Her Sight reached out, and she beheld- The Seer recoiled in shock, a sharp pain suddenly thrusting itself through her brain like a white-hot icepick. She blinked back tears of agony, and almost absently she noticed a wetness beginning to trickle from her nose. She touched it, and her fingers came away marked with crimson fluid. She stared at the spectacle, somewhat in shock, and the sheer novelty of feeling shocked at anything anymore was a surprise in itself. The future had been an open book to her for so long, and now it was as if someone had come along and ripped out the last pages. Taking a few moments to recover her composure, the Seer daubed away the blood with a strip of cloth torn from her robe, keeping her inner Sight veiled. When she was ready to try again, she began a more delicate and careful probing of that portion of future pathways. A twinge of pain distracted her momentarily, reminding her that she was still mortal enough to feel such things. But she set that aside, slowly roaming her awareness forward on the flows of Time. She came to a certain point, somewhat less than a year in the future, and then there was nothing. The Seer pulled back her Sight in the instant that it came into contact with that terrible void again. She roved across numerous alternate pathways, seeking an incarnation of the future that was free of that absolute nihility. Even if this third anomaly moved onwards soon, which was the likeliest event, other futures retained a slightly unreal quality to them beyond the point she had Seen before. She would not have noticed such a thing ordinarily, as the future always lacked the crispness of the present. It was a slight flickering effect, as if Time was uncertain of its own continued existence. But if the anomaly did not go, then every possible timeline past that decision point ended the same way, cut short as if by a knife. Parahistory was beyond her Sight, a limitation of her awareness. She could See the future in all its possible incarnations, but all other possibilities vanished from her ken when one of them became a fixed part of Time by becoming the present. She had occasionally wondered if the parahistories continued to evolve, and apparently they did. The notion that an unknown number of timelines were running alongside her own was somewhat awe-inspiring, even for someone as intimately familiar with Time as herself. However, something new was brewing out there in parahistory, something dangerous, and now parahistory was beginning to collide with history. In truth, the Seer was a little bit frightened to think that something could happen in some distant form of parahistory that could wipe away her own world as well. How did one fight back against such a danger? What could this anomaly, this 'Ranko Saotome', be capable of doing on some other version of Earth that could save or damn the Seer's own? No answers were forthcoming, so the Seer began examining all the myriad future pathways, seeking them. Even if Ranko Saotome left this world, there was no guarantee that the future was safe. Something was coming that endangered all worlds, somehow destroying entire universes. And the effect was not quick and merciful; it built up over several weeks. Stars flared and died, and natural laws warped. Sentient beings across the universe panicked as the effect struck everywhere at once, building to a climax. And then there was nothing, an endless void of emptiness where a universe had once been. Ignoring warning twinges of pain, The Seer began examining those last few seconds of Time, magnifying them. There had to be something she could use. Sensing the void inevitably approaching, she slowed down her Sight even more, rendering a moment into something that the human mind could grasp and examine in detail. Then, she finally saw it. In that last instant of Time, the fabric of the universe sundered open, and something from beyond rendered the Infinite into Nothingness with jarring suddenness. The sheer magnitude of such an act of destruction was almost majestic in its obscenity. With incredible difficulty, she wrenched her Sight away from viewing beyond that last instant, knowing that to look upon what came after it would be like staring the fabled Gorgon full in the eyes. Upon returning to the present, her physical body having been pushed beyond its endurance, the Seer collapsed to the floor of her chamber, unconscious. ****************************** Ranko set the plate down to join three others and sighed contentedly. She knew from recent experience that the increase in her appetite was a result of using the boost, causing her body to require refueling. It was an annoyance, but it was a relatively small price to pay for having such an ability available for her use. She enjoyed having an edge like that, especially now that she was on her own. Ranko pulled out a handheld device that somewhat resembled a cellular telephone, checking to see if it was done with its calculations yet. Sometimes it took a while, but it was already done this time. The digital display across the front read '00:00:22:43' as she nodded once. Originally, it had been designed to create an anti-gravity field, but now she called it a quantum tunneler, an electronic key that opened up gateways to new worlds. The device's timer display and its quantum flux scanning circuits had been added on her third transit, when she lucked across another version of her lab space that was set up quite similarly to how it was back home. Her first two transits had apparently been due to blind luck, since she had later learned that a paratunnel between alternate timelines would only form when the paraequipotential flux was aligned just right. The owner of that other lab had been experimenting with scanning these ambient flux levels as a possible means of communicating with alternate worlds, but the research had proven to be very helpful for Ranko's own needs. She had taken the liberty of appropriating samples of the scanning circuitry into her own device, when she realized that the irregular peaks in energy levels were the times when transit was possible. Since then, Ranko had been struggling to discover how to return home. She determined quite early on that there seemed to be no way to chart a course to a specific tangent, so, for the present, she was left with random jumps between alternate versions of history. It was interesting in many ways, and an adventure unlike any other, to see how different each timeline was. But she missed her home. Still, she was certain that someday, somehow, she would find her way back. Ranko blinked and realized she had been staring at the display while she was lost in thought, the last two digits relentlessly counting down seconds. She carefully tucked it away in a pocket. There was no particular danger in staying past the timer reaching zero, but she preferred to keep moving, a quirk of wanderlust within her. If she did remain, the device would simply recalculate the next possible transit time, when the quantum flux would align with another random timeline tangent, but that could leave her stranded here for longer than she cared for. Besides, this version of Earth did not appear to offer her any reasons for staying longer. With only a little over twenty minutes before the next transit window, she knew exactly what she had to do. "Waitress? I'm ready to pay my bill. And could you direct me to the nearest store that sells camping gear?" She always made a point of picking up some supplies before a jump, just in case. A short time later, Ranko ducked into a random alleyway. It was almost time to go, and she preferred to remain out of sight when she did a transit. Her small pack was filled with food, a canteen of water, and small essentials she liked to have on her, like matches. She slid the quantum tunneler from her pocket, pointed it at the empty air while the last seconds ticked down to zero, and activated it. A rippling appeared in the air, as the paratunnel yawned open before her. She took one last look at her surroundings, a world that would take little notice that she had ever passed through, and jumped in. There was a brief flash of light from the distortion, and Ranko Saotome was gone, continuing onwards on her solitary quest for her home. A few moments later, the anomaly collapsed back into nothingness with a faint sizzling sound. ****************************** *** Earth 0.000,0.000 Ranma blinked his eyes open as the smells of food cooking assailed his nostrils. In response to the delicious aromas arising from the kitchen downstairs, his stomach growled lingeringly. Throwing off the thick comforter, he sat up on his futon and winced slightly at one of his bruised muscles reminding him of its existence. He stretched, the muscles protesting, but the pains faded. As he stretched, Ranma glimpsed himself in the mirror on his closet door, unexpectedly seeing the face of a familiar redhead out of the corner of his eye. He turned in surprise, but he saw only himself when his gaze was fully upon the mirror. He shrugged, wondering why he had recalled Ranko at that moment. Ranma suspected that memories from his female counterpart were somewhere within him, but they seemed buried far deeper than those of his martial artist analogs. It was just as well. He wasn't sure if his male ego was ready to handle the notion that a girl's mind slumbered somewhere within his own. It was Sunday morning. Ranma could hear two muffled voices talking downstairs, everything seeming so normal for the Saotome household, at least on the surface. But the truth was different. Ranma frowned as he realized that two weeks had now gone by since the accident with his father. However, instead of immediately taking a pro-active stance and dealing with the situation on his own terms, he had let himself get pushed around by recent events. He was no better than his counterparts were in that respect, but that stopped now. During the long car ride home yesterday, the girls had been giving him a large dose of cold shoulder. Combined with the lingering pains of his physical injuries, it had made for an unpleasant situation. He had retreated into silence, confused as to why they had seemed so angry with him. But the whole situation with Utena and Ohtori Academy had been perplexing from start to finish. Both Nabiki and Kodachi had apparently felt free to flirt with other guys, but they would not even let him talk with another girl without suddenly acting weird. Ranma had also not missed the looks that the two boys had been giving Nabiki and Kodachi. But what still astonished him was his own reaction to that, feeling a primitive urge arise within himself to defend his territory. Ranma snorted, amazed that he could be so atavistically male. He could reluctantly admit that it irritated him to see other guys spending time with the two girls. Not that he was jealous, he quickly amended. The girls were his friends, even Nabiki, and he didn't trust the intentions of smooth guys like those two Ohtori cadets. Besides, none of the girls were officially his fiancée in this tangent, so he had no standing to claim any sort of ownership rights over them. And he knew, even if he did, it would just spark another argument with Nabiki. She obviously wanted to order him around, and no girl was ever going to do that to Ranma Saotome. Ever since she had downloaded those memories from that counterpart of hers, she had begun acting dominant and possessive towards him. And why did he keep thinking about a bossy chick like Nabiki Tendo? Ranma shook his head at that last, errant thought. Random bits of his martial artist counterparts continued to surface within him at the oddest times. Still, maybe if he mouthed off to Nabiki like his other analogs would have in this situation, it would show her that he was his own man. He grinned at the thought of her reaction. He was sure it would prompt something, and fighting with Nabiki was certainly easier than trying to figure out what was going on inside her head. However, thinking about the middle Tendo girl brought his thoughts back to a previous matter. Toga Kiryu and Miki Kaoru looked like they were going to be trouble for him in the near future. But at least neither one had looked like very much of a threat if it came down to some sort of physical confrontation, especially Miki. Toga might be a momentary challenge, but he would more likely prove to be all appearance, with nothing to back it up, like Mikado Sanzenin had turned out to be. One bright spot had occurred during the car ride. Kodachi had briefly broken the chilly silence to invite him to come by Kuno Manor today. She had found him a room to use for his new laboratory in one of the household's unused wings. Even more encouraging, she had also taken care of requisitioning the equipment and components he would need to continue his work. It was already waiting for his use. Ranma dressed quickly, putting on one of the Chinese-style shirts he now owned and a pair of black gi-style pants. The smell of food from downstairs was calling to him relentlessly. He had to get down there before the fake Genma ate everything. After casually springing over the banister, he took the stairs down three at a time. He skidded to a halt outside the main room of the house, seeing only Genma seated there. The sound of his mother working on breakfast was heard from the direction of the kitchen. "About time you got up, you lazy layabout," rumbled Genma. He went back to reading the morning paper. "A real martial artist is up with the sun to train. You have no discipline." "You're a fine one to talk," grumbled Ranma as he sat down at his usual place at the breakfast table. "All I've seen your fat butt do around the house for the past couple of weeks is eat and sleep. At least you haven't gotten fired, so I guess miracles do happen." Genma made an attempt at ignoring the remarks, but a slight throbbing of a vein in his forehead belied that. "Breakfast is served," announced Nodoka as she breezed in from the kitchen bearing two large plates of food. Her shoulder twinged a bit from carrying the weight, but she ignored the pain. She set down the plates and eyed the two Saotome men. She wondered why her husband and son seemed so tense with each other lately. The first month back, they had been like best friends. Ranma held out his bowl, narrowly edging out Genma to get served first. He ignored the older man's grumbles. The pigtailed boy smiled slightly at the amusing irony of using one of this Genma's unsuccessful plots, attempting to engage him to Kodachi, and turning it back to his own advantage. Kodachi's wealth would be invaluable in continuing his work. "Oh, Ranma, before I forget," Nodoka announced suddenly. "This came for you in the mail." She handed the pigtailed boy a small package addressed to him. There was no return address. Ranma set down his rice bowl, but he kept one eye on Genma, just in case. The package was small, a square roughly twice the size of his palm and perhaps three centimeters thick. He ripped open one end and shook out the contents. A silvery CD-ROM in a plastic case slid out into his hand. A note fluttered out, and he snatched it out of the air. All it said was, "Are you smart enough to break the code?" The small piece of paper was ordinary, and the text was laser printed in the center. Ranma decided to have a look at it later. As intriguing as the mystery of the silvery disk was, he needed to get over to Kuno Manor and begin setting up his new workspace. He heard his stomach rumble. After he finished breakfast, that is. ****************************** Kodachi yawned daintily as she padded into the training hall for a moderate workout before breakfast. The light green gi resting on her athletic frame was composed of the finest silks, adorned across one breast with a small black rose done in needlepoint, an elaborate design she had embroidered herself. She had seen the gi on one of her most recent shopping excursions, finding it to be a fitting garb for her borrowed nom de guerre as "The Black Rose." The young noblewoman's footsteps faltered slightly as she beheld an unexpected figure waiting for her in the training hall. Kodachi paused in the doorway, surprised to see her mother within the room. "Hello, Kodachi," said Kenseiko Kuno calmly, her face stilled of all emotion. She was dressed in a dark green leotard, a loose top of purple silk, and thin-soled boots of black leather that laced up her shins. She was seated in a lotus position in the middle of the room. "I've been waiting for you." "G-good morning, Mother," said Kodachi. She bowed quickly before coming into the room and kneeling in front of Kenseiko. Kenseiko nodded in reply, and her previous, cool-eyed gaze continued without relent as she gazed at her only daughter. Without preamble, she said, "I've been doing some thinking of late, Dachi-chan, about your sudden interest in fighting." She then paused, studying the girl before her, a living reflection of herself from some twenty years in the past. She briefly wondered where the time had gone so quickly. Kodachi braced herself for the storm. It looked to be bad, judging by the solemn look on her mother's face. "Mother, I-" Kodachi began, halting abruptly when her mother held up a hand. "I was wrong to hinder you," Kenseiko said calmly. She then broke out into a slight smile. "You are your mother's daughter, after all." Kodachi was left momentarily speechless. She stared at her mother, her confusion evident. "I tried for many years to put what I saw as the mistakes of my youth behind me," said Kenseiko, her gaze drifting to look out the window as she spoke. She was silent for several moments, and the slight smile on her lips broadened a bit as she was temporarily lost in reverie. She turned back to face Kodachi. "I know it is probably hard to believe, but I was once a teenage girl like yourself, filled with the burning passions of adolescence. And I see those same passions within you. I should not have tried to stifle them." Kodachi finally found her voice, and she said, "But you always told me that fighting was unladylike." "The same words that my mother told me," replied Kenseiko grimly. She stood up suddenly, her presence seeming to magnify. "But both sides of your heritage, Idomo and Kuno, are done a disservice by enforcing such a narrow view of feminine roles upon them. For centuries, the women of the Empire have fought, and sometimes died, alongside men to forge the world we are part of today. This has been true ever since the days of Oda Nobunaga and his reforms." "The first women to accept Nobunaga's offer and take up the daisho as warriors were mockingly called samurai-ko," Kenseiko said with a slight smile. "But they proved themselves equal to men in the eyes of the Code of Bushido. And some of the greatest warriors that the Empire has ever known since those bygone days have been women. Who can say what the world would be like without their presence in history?" Kodachi nodded in agreement, held spellbound by her mother's words. Apparently warming to the subject, Kenseiko continued, "But my mother was different in her views. She felt that a woman as warrior was an abomination. It was only recently that events have shown me how wrong she was, how wrong I was in acting like her. You and I are warriors, Dachi-chan. I see that now. We are samurai-ko." "Yes, Mother," answered Kodachi, her eyes shining with pride. She bowed deeply to her mother. Kenseiko felt a combination of pride, satisfaction, and love filling her as she gazed upon her daughter, seeing the future of the Kuno Family before her. But it also struck her as ironic that it had taken the re-appearance of her most hated rival to show her the error of her ways, not that she would ever admit such a thing to Nodoka Saotome. A smile quirked her lips. Getting the better of her old rival had been sweet indeed, despite the brevity of the encounter. She hoped that their next battle would last much longer. She was looking forward to it a great deal. Raising her head from the bow, Kodachi gazed at Kenseiko silently. Memories of another world flickered behind her eyes, where the woman now standing before her had been dead for some time. But that world was only a tattered memory now, and Kodachi realized with astonishment that she had not thought about her previous existence for some time. She was no longer that person, a terrified girl who had fled a bleak reality. On some deep level inside herself, she knew that to be true. Yet it was the legacy of that shy, lonely girl she once was which had enabled her to be a warrior now, bringing with her pieces of several lives and forging a new Kodachi Kuno from them. That girl had died and been reborn into a new life, a fusion of souls that was somehow greater than the sum of its parts. Together, they were complete. Kenseiko had noticed her daughter's introspective look, and she softly cleared her throat to regain the girl's attention. She smiled gently at Kodachi. "I would like to teach you, Dachi-chan," said Kenseiko. "Let me be to you the sort of mother that I wish my own had been to me. Your brother has accepted your father as his instructor. Will you accept me as yours?" Kodachi, startled by the question, nodded after a moment of thought and said, "I would be honored to have you teach me, Mother." She smiled, feeling hope rise within her that perhaps the older woman could give her some scrap of martial arts lore that would let her finally defeat Nabiki Tendo. It was a most pleasant thought. "Excellent," said Kenseiko. She walked over to the wall and pulled off a bo staff. She tossed it to Kodachi, who caught it with ease, and then lifted off a second one. "We will begin with the staff, but I intend to work you through every weapon in this room until you have mastered them all to my satisfaction. Adaptability and versatility are two of the greatest weapons that a warrior can have, Dachi-chan." Kodachi began twirling the staff around her body with grace and skill evident in her every movement. She sensed her mother's gaze quietly judging her. Kenseiko walked around Kodachi as she went through a simple kata with the weapon. The girl had received some training from somewhere, but her technique could use work. Kenseiko smiled, sensing tremendous potential in Kodachi's weapon skills. Her daughter was going to be a pleasure to train. Then let the girl's rivals beware. ****************************** Nabiki Tendo paused in her morning workout, suddenly feeling an odd sensation of foreboding. She glanced around the training hall she was currently sharing with Akane, and quickly decided that she was just experiencing nervous tension. That irritated her, another sign that she had been letting the situation with Ranma go on for far too long. It was pretty obvious that, despite his powers of intellect in other areas, when it came to relationships he was a complete and total idiot. At least the matter of Utena Tenjou was finally dealt with. The girl could not have misunderstood the frosty looks that Nabiki had been giving her yesterday. Combined with her having bodily dragged Ranma away from the pink-haired bimbo should have made it quite clear to even the dimmest mind that Nabiki Tendo already had a proprietary interest in him. She felt the message was quite clear: Ranma Saotome was off limits! Nabiki suddenly drove her fist forward in a lightning-fast blow, and the top segment snapped cleanly off of the rope-wrapped wooden post she had been punching to toughen her hands. She felt the unconscious surge of chi quickly fading from her fist as she relaxed it back open, a slight smirk appearing on her face. Her hand was totally unmarked. Akane paused in her own workout and glanced across the room at her older sister, secretly glad for an excuse to take a break from doing push-ups. After doing two hundred of them on each arm, one-handed fingertip style, the muscles in her shoulders and arms were definitely feeling the strain. She decided to forego the last set of a hundred she normally did daily on each hand, not wanting to stress her healing body more than she had to. Tomorrow or the next day, she was certain that she would be back up to doing her full workout. After rolling over onto her back, Akane sat up. She panted slightly as she felt her endurance returning. Picking up a nearby towel, she began to wipe the perspiration from her face. She felt much better now than she had upon waking up, the exercise having gotten her blood flowing and warming her up. A shower and a hot bath would leave her feeling like a new woman after this. Sakura was coming by in a little while, and Akane was looking forward to going shopping with the other girl today. Despite her irritation at Sakura's refusal to fight another challenge match with her, Akane had decided that keeping her as a friend was more important than her own wounded pride. And the other girl reminded her so much of herself, that it was impossible to stay mad over such a little thing. Besides, with Sakura in her corner, she was certain she would utterly crush her next opponent. Shopping was going to be a pleasant change of pace for Akane's free day of the week, since her time was usually spent training for the entire day on Sundays. It would also give her a chance to find an outfit that would catch Ranma's attention. She had looked over her wardrobe and quickly found it to be far too utilitarian and dull for attracting a man's interest. She had debated borrowing some of Nabiki's clothes, but her older sister was rather possessive about her things. Nabiki nodded to Akane as her younger sister got up and headed out of the training hall, receiving a grunt and a nod in return. It was very typical Akane, Nabiki noticed with a smirk, her younger sister having never been what could be called the most eloquent of people. At least with all of this Combat Club activity keeping Akane occupied, the girl should lose her interest in Ranma Saotome soon enough. Turning her attentions to the training hall's new punching bag, Nabiki put the matter of the odd foreboding she had felt earlier out of her mind. The training hall began to resonate with the sounds of her fists and feet brutalizing the heavy bag. ****************************** The forests of the Koga Mountain region were thought to be places of mystery and magic according to popular folklore, haunted by ogres, demons, and the legendary shadow warriors known as Ninja. The populace of the Empire had long been fascinated with lurid tales of their deeds, and tourists would come from far and wide to visit the region every year. It was amusing to the local populace to see such visitors, even as they enjoyed the influx of money brought by tourists hoping to see a _real_ Ninja. Genji Kuonji was one of those who was amused by the antics of tourists, and he considered how members of his clan hid in plain sight to be one of the best tricks of the Ninja. He strolled along through part of his beloved forests, enjoying the brisk air. He had always loved mornings in the mountains, especially when it was springtime. Wearing the garb of a simple Shinto priest, he did not look at all the part of a Shinobi Master, but then that was the idea. Such simple disguises had allowed members of his clan to freely wander the Empire for centuries. In his time of service to the Imperial Family, he had taken on many roles, from simple farmer to okonomiyaki chef. Now that he was nominally retired, he spent his days walking the region as a wandering priest. A crashing sound emerged from the forest in front of him, and Genji looked on in amusement as a rather sizable-looking figure of a man came barreling out of the trees, a large pack on his back. The other man came to a halt in the clearing, and Genji nodded as he recognized who it was. Even after over ten years having passed since their last encounter, it was hard not to recognize the patriarch of the Hibiki Clan, Shiro. Briefly pausing to catch his breath, Shiro Hibiki flipped back his thick ponytail of iron-gray hair. A tattered and useless map was clutched tightly in his other hand, and he squinted at it for a few moments before growling like a bear. Three days he had been on this accursed quest, when an old man of his advanced years should be taking it easy. He would still be taking it easy, but somebody had to go out looking for his lost grandson. The boy had been gone for too long on his last excursion. "Are you lost?" inquired a mild voice behind Shiro. Shiro blinked, and he muttered, "I know that voice." Turning around, he spied an elderly monk standing there. He could recognize that smug look anywhere. His hands balled into fists, the tendons cracking from the sheer strength he was putting into it. He sounded irritated as he murmured, "Genji." "Nice to see you too, Shiro," said Genji pleasantly. "This is just like old times." Even Genji was not prepared for the speed of Shiro's sudden assault, as the other man's hand closed around his throat and dragged them nose to nose with each other. "I'll make this really simple, Kuonji," said Shiro with an almost icy calm. "Where's my grandson?" Genji's only reply was to make choking sounds, and his face turned the most alarming shade of red for a man of his years. Noticing that after a moment, Shiro almost reluctantly loosened his grip. The two men eyed each other for several moments. "The boy is off chasing Ukyo," said Genji after finally regaining his breath. "I imagine he's well on his way to Tokyo by now, ranting about the usual things that you Hibiki's go on about, like his vendetta against Ukyo." "Why would he still have a vendetta against his own fiancée?" asked Shiro mildly as he lifted Genji clear of the ground. "It was agreed that you would tell them this time around." He sighed briefly. "I never should have been a part of this farce all these years." Genji swallowed nervously, not liking the grim calm in Shiro's voice, and he said, "It made them both stronger. They'll need that strength when the Goju finally return." "All I wanted was for our grandchildren to finally put an end to this petty feud between our clans," said Shiro tiredly. "It would have been over a generation ago, if it wasn't for Yumi's stubbornness. That girl was always far too headstrong... typical Kuonji woman. And don't you lecture me about the Goju, Genji Kuonji. I know what the Faceless Ones are capable of. I killed enough of the Shadow-spawned bastards when I was younger, didn't I? Maybe we're lucky, and their threat is finally extinct." Genji sighed at his old rival's naivete. The Goju had once been the greatest of the Shinobi Clans, highly-skilled in the arts of combat, deception, and trickery. But that had not been enough for the clan leader, and he had entered into a pact with Darkness itself, forever damning himself and his clan. The Darkness had given the Goju great power, but there had been a most terrible price. He had told Ukyo that the Faceless Ones would come to get her if she did not do well in her training. "Boy, the Goju Clan will come for you, if you don't totally dedicate yourself to your training," he would say. Only by listening to him and obeying his teachings would she be safe from them. With regret, he remembered seeing her small form quiver in fear beneath her covers as a young child, staring wide-eyed at the shadows on the wall after hearing one of his more lurid stories. When she was older, he had given Ukyo some scrolls to read, relating more tales about the Goju and their many abilities. They were able to change their shape and mimic any form, appear and disappear like smoke, and to move with amazing quickness. All it had cost them were their souls, utterly consumed by the Darkness, absorbing the very identities of its servants and leaving behind a faceless figure that was nothing more than an empty puppet. The Faceless Ones were the dark side of Shinobi magics, but they stood as both an object lesson and a warning. They were also still frighteningly real, lurking somewhere out in the shadowy corners of the Empire, hungering for revenge. "There's also another complication," said Genji, hoping that Shiro would not overreact and blame him. He always blamed him for everything that went wrong in their lives, ever since they had been boys getting into trouble together. "Maybe I should just kill you now and finally end the terrible misery that you've always brought to my life ever since I first met you," answered Shiro with disgust. "Ukyo's been engaged to another boy, in Tokyo," said Genji quickly. He shut his eyes, not wanting to see the blow coming. What startled Genji was not the expected roar of rage, but an amused chuckling come from Shiro. He peeked one eye open cautiously, and he felt the other man drop his feet back into contact with the ground. "That's just perfect," said Shiro somewhat sarcastically. "When Ryoga finds out the truth, that Ukyo is really a girl _and_ his fiancée, he's going to turn this other kid into paste. Then we can both kiss goodbye our hopes of uniting our two clans. This is going to be just like the debacle with Yumi all over again. I can feel it." "Ukyo's father says that the boy is a martial artist." Shiro stopped chuckling, and he cautiously asked, "How good?" "My source tells me that he's good enough to give Ukyo a run for her money," replied Genji. He risked a smirk. "And she's been sending your grandson back home in defeat for almost ten years." Shiro growled, "Don't remind me. Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to know that my grandson keeps losing to a girl? But if there's one thing every Hibiki loves, it's a good vendetta. It gets the blood pumping, you know. And Ryoga's need to beat your granddaughter has let me throw every form of training that I know at the boy. He's easily twice the fighter I was at his age because of it. So, what's the name of Ukyo's soon-to-be-hospitalized other fiancé?" "Ranma. Ranma Saotome," replied Genji. Shiro stroked his chin thoughtfully, and he finally said, "Well, if this Ranma kid knows what's good for him, he'll just step aside and give Ukyo to Ryoga without a fight. Otherwise, I can sense a new Hibiki-style vendetta in the makings." ****************************** Ranma paused in consuming his breakfast, distracted by an odd sensation of foreboding suddenly coming over him. He even stopped shoveling food into his mouth for several moments because of it. Genma was quick in attempting to take advantage of the pigtailed boy's distraction and reached for an extra bit of food, but a lightning-fast strike from Nodoka's chopsticks caught him by surprise. He yelped, but she had already returned to her own eating as if nothing untoward had occurred. He glanced at her, and she returned his gaze with a single upraised eyebrow. "Is something wrong, Dearest?" asked Nodoka innocently. When he did not reply and simply went back to eating more sedately, she smiled knowingly, hoping that she had gotten her point across. It had been less than two weeks since she last chastised him, and he was already returning to his bad eating habits. It seemed that sterner measures would be required until he began behaving acceptably at the table. She then went back to eating. Ranma had been ignoring the commotion at the table, trying to determine why that odd feeling had struck him. Hearing his stomach rumble queryingly over the break in food delivery, he shrugged his shoulders and quickly went back to consuming his breakfast. "Ranma dear," said Nodoka suddenly. "You seemed distracted." Ranma hastily swallowed and mumbled, "Just got a lot to do today." "It's a nice day," commented Nodoka. "You've been cooped up training all week, so you should do something enjoyable today. Why don't you take one of your prospective brides out on a date? You've spent time with Ukyo already. I'm sure Kodachi would love to spend the day with you. She seemed quite taken with you. Or maybe you prefer the Tendo girl, Nabiki?" Ranma briefly had the look of an animal caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, before saying, "Uh, I'm going to visit with Kodachi. On the ride back home yesterday, she invited me out to see her today." Ranma quickly went back to eating his breakfast, hoping that was the end of it. Genma nodded approvingly. The money from the young noblewoman's dowry would allow for a fine retirement for him, as well as finance some of the private projects he had cooking. He smiled at the thought of all that wealth soon to come into his possession. Not to mention that any world without the scourge of Happosai in it was like heaven. "Why that's wonderful," Nodoka replied with a smile. "I'm sure that she's counting the minutes until you arrive." "I'm sure she is," interjected Genma, earning a dark glance from Ranma. "There isn't a woman born that can resist the Saotome charm, so use that to your advantage, m'boy." Ranma somehow resisted the urge to put his fist through the man's face. Instead, he contented himself with the knowledge that this Genma's days were now numbered. Once he was back where he belonged, then life could go back to normal, and he would finally have his real father to talk with again. That thought was enough to brighten his darkening mood. Feeling more contented, Ranma went back to eating his breakfast. ****************************** Ryoko Masaki emerged from her blankets and bedroll with a wide-mouthed yawn and a leisurely stretch. She glanced over at her new travelling companion, seeing him still cocooned in his own bedroll against the chill in the morning air. A grin appeared on her face. It was time to get the blood moving a bit before breakfast. "Wake up, Hibiki," Ryoko grunted out, standing up and prodding the blanket-wrapped boy with a toe. Ryoga responded with a single mumbled word, and then he went back to snoring. "Come on, you lazy slug," Ryoko urged him. "Get up." She nudged Ryoga again, not so gently this time. Ryoga snapped awake, thinking he was under attack, and he promptly got tangled up in his blankets while trying to respond to the threat. He rolled around and nearly ended up in the banked coals of the fire, hearing an outburst of feminine laughter at his plight. Trying to ignore it, Ryoga freed himself from his blankets and stood up. She was still laughing. "I was sleeping," Ryoga grumbled. Ryoko raised one eyebrow and inquired, "Do you want breakfast?" Ryoga grunted once and nodded, still feeling out of sorts for his rude awakening from slumber. After the past few days on the road with this girl, he knew what was going to come next. It had been the same thing every morning and evening. "Then you have to earn it," said Ryoko, taking up a combat stance. She smiled wolfishly. "I'm waiting, Lost Boy." Ryoga really hated being called by that name. He suspected she only said it to goad him into attacking her, knowing how much he hated to be reminded of the Hibiki Clan's infamously poor sense of direction, but it still irked him. He eyed her, knowing also that she wouldn't feed him unless he gave it a good try against her, part of the agreement they had between each other as they traveled together. Even so, it still bothered him to spar with a girl. A guy shouldn't fight with a girl. It was just... wrong. "I'm getting bored over here, Lost Boy," Ryoko taunted. She held her position, watching him rather casually. "Anytime you wanna try your luck, come at me." Narrowing his gaze as the taunt struck home, Ryoga attacked. He still held back a little, unable to bring himself to spar with her at his full ability, but a spectator would not have known it from the fury of their initial exchange. Hard-won experience had shown Ryoga that she was as strong as any Hibiki girl. They traded punches and kicks, Ryoga's initial charge briefly giving him the advantage, one he quickly exploited, hoping to end this fast. He aggressively pressed forward, driving combinations of punches and kicks against Ryoko's defenses. But her guard held firm, even as she slowly gave ground, eventually slowing his advance. Ryoga tried again to press forward, but the girl with blue-green hair stubbornly refused to yield another centimeter of terrain to him. Ryoko's face was a study in determination, even as she played immovable object to her sparring partner's irresistible force. She was holding back for sparring purposes, but not by as much as she had against other opponents. It was a rather heady experience to give more of herself to a match like she was doing, knowing that she would not cripple her foe if one of her strikes landed with almost her full strength behind it. Slowly, step by step, she began forcing Ryoga back, slipping in punches and kicks through the small niches in his defenses. They weren't hard enough to be more than bruising, but they showed that the initiative was falling back to her. Her attacks continued relentlessly, each strike landing with speed and precision. She regained the ground she had initially given up, refusing to re-yield it. As she did so, she began to smile. Ryoga managed to regain the initiative for brief times, but he could only seem to temporarily stalemate his opponent, not force her back. It was irritating to find himself losing to a girl, and he blamed it on his own lingering scraps of reticence about this whole thing. He was also distracted by that smile of hers. It was an honest sort of smile, not mocking, like her words to him frequently were. It was only because she was feeding him and helping him with his quest that Ryoga was hanging around such an annoying girl, or so he kept reminding himself. She was at her worst immediately after one of their sparring matches, but she would continue to mercilessly taunt and tease him throughout the day as they walked towards Tokyo. She seemed to find his disability with directions a source of endless fun, calling him 'Lost Boy' all the time. By the time dinner rolled around, he was spoiling for another match against her, and he sometimes wondered if that was her game. Of course, it would be nice if he won occasionally. But she kept beating him, and it was getting increasingly annoying. This was yet another indignity that he laid at Ukyo's feet. He could see the smug ninja boy's face now, mocking him for losing to a girl. And that would be just like that damnable Kuonji too, to throw it back into his face. This was all Ukyo's fault! Ryoko was enjoying herself immensely, but it was time to end this. She was getting hungry, and she could do with a bath in the nearby creek as well. There was a relatively still pool nearby that would do just fine for bathing. With a quick move, she ducked under one of Ryoga's kicks and took his supporting leg out from underneath him with a sweep. Even as he crashed to the ground, she was on top of him, catching one of his arms into a bone-grinding joint lock. She slid her free arm around his throat, grateful that she had inherited her ancestress's strength in full measure as she felt Ryoga struggling beneath her. But, even so, she would not be able to hold him for long. "Yield, and we can eat," Ryoko whispered into Ryoga's ear. Feeling playful, she brushed her lips against it for good measure, not quite kissing him there. Ryoga froze as his brain went away somewhere, feeling her nubile body pressed against his, her breath gusting lightly against his ear. He vaguely remembered yielding to Ryoko, perhaps babbling a bit, but not much else until she bounced a heavy stone off his forehead sometime later. It was enough to bring him back to sufficient awareness to find a full bowl of food in his lap. "Eat it before it gets cold, Hibiki," said Ryoko with her usual tone of voice, perhaps slightly less mocking than usual. "I'm going to go take a bath. You peep on me, Lost Boy, and I'll kill you. And don't leave the camp either. If you make me go looking for you in the darkness, I'll do something _you'll_ regret." With that said, she headed off slightly upstream until she was out of sight. Ryoga, unsure what else to do until she got back, began eating. He smiled at the taste. It was chicken curry, one of his favorite dishes. ****************************** "Director Kasuga?" Looking up from the paperwork on his desk, the elderly man gazed at his aide peeking into his office. "Yes, what is it?" "I have another batch of drawings. There've been a few more changes." "Set them on my desk, and I'll look at them shortly." "Yes, sir." The aide hurried into the Director's sanctum, a quiet office that was decorated with selected bits of memorabilia from some of the Institute's most famous cases. All were relatively harmless, the dangerous relics being retained for study were all kept locked in the specially spell-warded vaults in the basements, along with those prisoners that normal cells could not contain. He set down a sheaf of papers, each of them covered with more manga drawings, and then hurried out. The door closed quietly behind him. Director Kasuga set down his pen and rubbed the bridge of his nose. If his wife were still alive, she would have told him he was working too hard. But what was he to do? He felt too young to retire, and there was still so much for him to accomplish before he stepped down. Picking up the first of the papers from the stack, he carefully put on his glasses and studied the image. Several figures stood, half-turned away from the viewer. The same two that he had seen in previous images were in the center, a young man and a young woman, but the art style was more realistic this time. The girl looked naggingly familiar, but he could not place her face. At that moment, he happened to glance down at the latest report from Kyosuke, noting a group photo of his grandson taken with some of his classmates during some sort of field trip. And standing next to him was a boy with a pigtail dressed in Chinese-style clothes. Startled, he glanced back and forth between the manga drawing and the picture, his eyes widening in surprise. Ranma Saotome. "Knowledge of the future can be a dangerous thing," said a soft voice from behind him. "Especially when it is vague." "Who?" yelped Director Kasuga as he whirled around to see a totally bald, wizened-looking gnome of a figure standing there in his office. It was an entity that was spoken of in whispers at the highest levels of the Institute, and he was called many things: a harbinger of change, a storm crow, and an enigma weaving riddles. A long time ago, the tiny figure had possessed another name, but that identity had been purged from all records over a generation ago, when he stepped down from command of the Mobius Institute. Now, he was simply the wandering monk known as Cherry. "It has been a while, Kasuga-san," said Cherry, nodding his bald head slightly. "You have done well for yourself." "You startled me," said Director Kasuga neutrally. He noticed Cherry softly step forward to gaze upon the images scattered across his desk. "You chase phantoms with these pictures," said Cherry in mild reproach, without any preamble. "What you seek to know, no mortal can tell you." There was a hint of amusement in his voice, but as dry as a desert. "I have a duty-" He was cut off when Cherry raised a hand sharply. "I know all there is to know about duty. Would you hear my message?" Director Kasuga had faced many frightening things in his life, yet that simple question chilled him. He slowly nodded his head. "Stop trying to second-guess the future," said Cherry. "Despite what you think you may have achieved at this place in trying to foresee the future, all you have to work with now are partial truths and guesswork. Pick the wrong choice at the wrong time, and you will only bring down a cataclysm of epic proportions." "Then tell me something that I can use, and I will!" snapped Director Kasuga. He paused as Cherry simply gazed at him, his ugly face calm. He bowed in self-reproach. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me." "I will tell you this much," said Cherry calmly. "If you persist in your attempts to scry the future, you will see what will seem to be the safest path to follow. But if you take it, then this world will end in blood and terror, and it will only be the first of many." "How can I believe you? Why should I give up one of the best weapons in the Institute's arsenal?" "Because I ask you to trust me," said Cherry coolly, before he bowed respectfully, looking uncomfortable at his own words. "I am only the messenger, but it is important that you heed the message I bring. The Spirit World is disturbed, Kasuga-san, and both the Kami and Shinma are concerned. They whisper to me from the quiet places during my travels, that this world soon comes to a number of cruxes within the tapestry of events. If the correct path is not somehow woven between them, then all is lost. And the horrors of this world's final days will be but the merest prelude to what comes next." He studied Director Kasuga for a moment and then stood back. "Anything else?" Director Kasuga felt a pain in his gut. His ulcer was acting up. That was a bad sign, that he wasn't going to like what he was about to hear. He pointed at the manga drawing of Ranma and the familiar-looking girl. "Next you'll be telling me that this boy will be our last hope." Cherry smiled thinly for a moment, and then he cryptically replied, "No, there is another. And I ask you to leave them be to find their own way. You could try to help them, guide them in what you saw as the correct path, but you would only end up destroying everything that they must fight for, and suffer for, to have a chance at saving. I ask you not to hinder or interfere with them, no matter what may happen. There is so much yet to be done, and this is still only the beginning of their story." Director Kasuga stared at the tiny figure before him for a time. He then turned to gaze solemnly at the papers on his desk, his face a neutral mask. After several moments, he began gathering them up into his hands. From out of a drawer, he pulled out the earlier batches of drawings and added them to the stack as well. With a resigned sigh, he dropped the entire lot into his wastebasket. As he did so, he could have sworn that he heard something from the figure behind him, perhaps a released breath of relief, but he also might have just imagined it. A touch of his foot against the side of the trash bin caused a brief flash of heat and light from within, reducing the papers to ash. When he turned around, he was alone once again. "An enigma weaving riddles," he muttered. "Damn you, Cherry." Sitting down at his desk, Director Kasuga began formulating exactly how he was going to explain this to the Emperor, as well as drafting orders that should satisfy Cherry's desires that they walk forward into the future with blindfolds on. But he had not grown as old as he was without learning to listen to his instincts, and they had told him to heed the ancient monk's words. But they left a soul-deep chill within him. ****************************** Colonel Gendo Rokubungi, the newly-installed Headmaster of Furinkan Military Academy, emerged from his chauffeur-driven car and studied his surroundings with his usual cool detachment. His driver, still holding onto the rear door of the vehicle with his left hand, managed to snap off a crisp salute with his right. Gendo returned the salute a bit absently. His thoughts were attending more to the unexpected orders he had received yesterday, to report to the Imperial Academy this morning. No explanations had been given as to why he was to be here, only that he was to meet with Professor Kozo Fuyutsuki on a matter of importance. The light of the morning sun glinted off the new rank insignia affixed to his uniform collar, the result of a brevet bump upwards in rank to go with his new position, pending a later review of his performance with Furinkan's cadets. It had been a pleasant surprise to receive. Personally, Gendo loved hearing the sound of his new rank, and he fully intended to make it into a permanent one. His star was ascendant, and he was certain that this was only the beginning of future greatness for him. "Shall I wait for you, sir?" inquired Gendo's driver, a young-looking soldier. "No, Sergeant," Gendo replied evenly. "This might take a while. I'll call for you when I'm finished here." He stepped away from the car, and the driver saluted once again. Gendo returned the salute quickly, before turning to stride towards through the gates. ****************************** Fuyutsuki watched the tall figure entering the grounds of the Imperial Academy with mild interest. A dossier that was provided by the Defense Directorate rested on the desk behind him, concerning one Colonel Gendo Rokubungi. It made for dry perusal, but, reading between the lines, it also painted the picture of a man who was devoted to the Empire. The Security Directorate had recently added their approvals for an upgrade in the Colonel's security clearance, a requirement before any knowledge about Project Phoenix could be released to him. As he waited for the man's arrival, Fuyutsuki permitted himself a few private moments of gloating over Ranma's victory yesterday. It was a nice turnaround of events from a week ago, but it also brought back to the forefront a mystery, how a boy with little previous combat training suddenly changed overnight into a martial artist of such incredible skill. And it was not just him, but Nabiki Tendo as well. She too had emerged as a fighter with a level of competence of truly inordinate magnitude, far beyond her previous capabilities. Fuyutsuki picked up Ranma's proposal, submitted to the Science Ministry several months ago. It was mainly an overview, containing the myriad equations and obscure theories supporting its validity, yet revealing surprisingly little concerning the specifics involved in the endeavor. Fuyutsuki had only recently taken the opportunity to read through it in detail, shortly after the pigtailed boy's change in ability. It showed that Ranma was involved in investigating something of simply staggering possibilities, the exploration of worlds without end, a feat comparable to mankind's first time playing with fire. Based on all the available evidence, it was reasonable to assume that Ranma's experiment had somehow granted the boy his new combat skills. Fighting abilities of his current level would have taken a decade or more to acquire, time that Ranma had never invested, at least not in _this_ reality. And having witnessed the awe-inspiring power of the Neko-ken in action, a lost technique of martial arts lore he had come across a description of during his recent research, his few remaining doubts vanished. And there was also the emerging changes in the boy's personality to consider. Ranma was becoming much more outgoing, and more spirited. However, Fuyutsuki had to admit that this new Ranma Saotome seemed oddly 'right' to exist, as if the universe had corrected a mistake. As to the added mystery of Nabiki Tendo, that tied back to Ranma's lab and experiment as well. One of the Academy's hidden cameras on that sub-level had recorded her quite skillful break-in into the boy's lab, where she then remained for some time. And when she finally emerged, the girl had looked somewhat shaken, but it was not too long afterwards that she too demonstrated incredible ability in the martial arts, as well as an alteration in her attitudes. Nabiki's rather cold and often ruthless personality had softened a bit in the aftermath of her unusual experience, becoming almost playful at times. However, the strangest part of the puzzle was Genma. He had denounced Ranma's efforts as foolish and adamantly demanded that the experiment's subsidy be terminated immediately, calling it "a waste of the boy's true abilities." Fuyutsuki had complied, clearing out Ranma's lab and returning the boy's equipment to the Science Ministry for disposal, but there was something about the whole thing that troubled him. Even more puzzling, Genma had furtively gone into the dormitory where Ranma had been training, taken the boy's bookbag away for a few hours, and then he had returned it. Fuyutsuki had chosen to keep his own counsel on the matter, adopting a wait-and-see strategy, and that was still true. Still, something was going on that he was not seeing. Further musings on the subject were shelved when there came a sudden knock at the door. Fuyutsuki debated just letting the man in, then decided that someone of Gendo's reputation would respect a different tact. He settled into the chair behind his desk and made himself comfortable. "Enter," Fuyutsuki called out, busying himself with Gendo's dossier. Gendo opened the door and walked in, taking a few moments to size up the room and its lone occupant with a casual glance, the light flashing off his glasses menacingly. He found Fuyutsuki's office to be rather spartan in design, a few books on the shelves, three paintings on the walls, a computer terminal in the corner, and a single plant in the window. The paintings appeared to all be Western works, but beyond that Gendo could not say. He held little interest in art. "Come in, Colonel Rokubungi," said Fuyutsuki, gesturing at a chair. He stood up from behind his desk and gave a polite bow when Gendo came closer, one that the other man mechanically returned. He then sat back down. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Professor Kozo Fuyutsuki, the administrator of this facility. Thank you for coming to see me on such short notice. I'm sure you have questions." "I am curious as to why I am here," admitted Gendo. He took the chair that had been offered him and sat stiffly, as if still at attention. He was not very comfortable in situations that he was not himself in control of. "That would be an adequate place to begin, Professor." Fuyutsuki nodded. "Very well, Colonel. The matter requiring your presence here concerns several of the cadets undergoing training at Furinkan." He picked up a handful of dossiers from his desk and handed them to Gendo. "You have five cadets in particular that I wish to discuss, one of whom was transferred from this facility to yours in recent weeks." Gendo grunted once as he looked over the dossiers in his hands. He was unfamiliar with the majority of them, but he did remember seeing the name of Ryu Kumon recently come cross his desk. He flipped through the pages quickly, familiarizing himself with the faces and names. Fuyutsuki quietly waited for the other man to finish, steepling his fingers as he rested his elbows on the arms of his chair. After several minutes of intensive study, Gendo closed the folders and said, "Let's cut right to the chase, Professor. What exactly do these cadets have in common? I noticed the word 'Newtype' mentioned in a number of places, but no explanation as to its meaning." "A Newtype is the next stage in human evolution, Colonel Rokubungi," answered Fuyutsuki, his fingertips still steepled together. "They are the future inheritors of the Earth, each one a superior breed of human. They are the result of years of effort and experimentation, all aimed at purging the dross and imperfections out of mankind." Gendo absorbed that datum, and he replied, "Something like a Lilith, you mean?" "Some of the biotechnology involved is similar to that which created the first Liliths and Samaels," admitted Fuyutsuki. "In fact, Genom's expertise in that area was an enormous aid to the effort. But that is where the similarity ends. You see, each of the Newtypes was once a normal, unmodified human child. Are you familiar with Ryugenzawa, Colonel?" Gendo was somewhat surprised by the sudden change in topic, but he did not show it. "It's an Imperial preserve," Gendo replied carefully. He had been there once, as part of a hunting party at the Emperor's invitation. He had even taken a trophy, albeit one of rather dubious quality. Still, taking down a rat with his hunting rifle that was the size of a horse had been an admittedly surreal experience. It had been a pretty tough kill too, taking two 10mm rounds to its chest and head before finally expiring. Fuyutsuki nodded. "On the surface, that much is true. It's a quite fascinating collection of lifeforms, modified from their original templates by some force within Ryugenzawa that we are still studying. However, it is also where we found the Eucharist, the keystone which made Project Phoenix into a reality." "The Eucharist?" said Gendo in puzzlement. Almost despite himself, he was becoming interested in Fuyutsuki's lecture. "An admittedly colorful designation given it by one of my colleagues," replied Fuyutsuki with a slightly embarrassed smile. "The Eucharist's progenitor was discovered in Ryugenzawa, in a lake at the center of the region. It was a single-celled lifeform, a parasite, formed of an odd merging of the aspects of both a virus and a fungus, perhaps resulting from exposure to the strange energies of that place." Fuyutsuki leaned back in his chair as he continued to speak, "Humans and normal animals were not affected, as it only seemed to target any creatures that had been altered by Ryugenzawa's power. We theorized that it was simply one of nature's ways of controlling the population of that region. Regardless of its origins, samples were taken from some of the infected animals, to be examined in detail at the Science Ministry. Originally, it was hoped that it might prove to be useful as part of some sort of bioweapon." Gendo nodded. The Imperial war machine was always looking for new and better ways to eliminate its enemies, even during the times of relative peace. The peace never seemed to last. Fuyutsuki paused for a moment or two before continuing, "Looking back, it was a primitive piece of genetic tinkering, there in one of Genom's biolabs, but the proto-Eucharist responded favorably to the imposed changes, altering into a form that could thrive within a human host. Cell cultures were infected with this newly-modified strain, but what happened next was serendipitous. Some sort of mutation occurred in one of the culture batches. Instead of creating a deadly parasite, the experiment gave birth to a symbiotic lifeform." "Later tests on the cultured cells yielded some surprising results," said Fuyutsuki as he met Gendo's unblinking gaze. "This new variant strain had modified them, somehow 'tuning up' the biochemical machinery of the cells, as well as resequencing entire segments of chromosomes. That was when it was renamed the Eucharist." "An interesting choice of names," noted Gendo neutrally. Fuyutsuki took a drink of water from the glass on his desk before he continued. "Project Phoenix was formed in those early days, years ago. Its goal was to exploit the potentials for the eugenic improvement of Imperial Citizenry using this wonder virus. We have since learned much more about it, enjoyed relatively few setbacks, and we have continued to refine it further as our understanding has improved. For one thing, we now know that it is an inheritable trait, by means of the Eucharist adding an extra pair of chromosomes into the host's DNA. I could go on at much greater length, but the Project's complete history is not vital to this briefing." "I see," said Gendo, flipping open one of the dossiers and studying the information inside with new insight. Seeing the young faces in the small photos, a brief fantasy wandered through his mind, of the child that he hoped to someday have with Yui, once he regained his proper place in her good graces and finally married her. It would be a son, of course, one who would grow to be a strong and confident warrior like his father was. A thin smile crossed his lips at the thought. Then he paused for a moment as he studied one of the documents, a question occurring to him. "Why have you only been using children, Professor?" Fuyutsuki seemed to choose his words carefully. "It was not by choice. Unfortunately, we discovered quite early on that the Eucharist Symbiote tended to be rejected by host bodies over a certain physical age, and, in some extreme cases, it would even cause extensive genetic damage as it warred with the would-be host's immune system. But, in children below the critical age, we achieved an over eighty percent success rate of host-symbiote bonding with that first group of test subjects. Those children became the Mark-I's. The Mark-II's are the next step, Citizen children injected with the symbiote, an even more refined version." "What happened to the failures?" asked Gendo calmly, as he continued to study the documents. Fuyutsuki looked somewhat distressed. "They died of total systemic shock, Colonel. I've seen for myself the recordings of how those children perished, and so has every other scientist who now works on the Project. Such a terrible tragedy must never be repeated, Colonel, especially now that we are using Citizen children. Fortunately, we now have fairly accurate testing available that enables us to tell if a given host will accept the symbiote or not." "What's the up side to all the risk?" Gendo queried. "It must be quite impressive to justify the dangers." "Quite," replied Fuyutsuki, not at all surprised at the question, one he expected of a military man who looked at things in terms of pluses and minuses. Still, Gendo was being remarkably blasé about all of this, disturbingly so. Fuyutsuki slowly took another drink of water, unused to lecturing, and then continued. "Once the host's body begins to metabolize the symbiote, a chromosomal resequencing begins occurring within every cell, a cascade of genetic change that eventually runs throughout the entire body. This is the first phase of the bonding process, and the host will suffer from some severe flu-like symptoms for a number of days. When this initial stage is finally complete, the host's recoded DNA is then locked in as the basal pattern, and the symbiote begins very aggressively hunting down and consuming anything that does not match, such as cancerous cells or infectious agents. A downside to this is that organic transplants are no longer possible, but the symbiote more than compensates for this in other ways." "The subject has now become what we refer to as a Newtype Human, a being that is faster, stronger, and more intelligent than an ordinary man or woman. The symbiote's presence also improves the host body's regenerative abilities by several orders of magnitude, albeit at an enormous increase in appetite when its called upon. For example, I've seen simple cuts and bruises heal within hours, and even more severe injuries to the body disappear in mere days. Even more remarkable, once the host's body achieves its physical maturity, aging _ceases_. The symbiote is somehow able to prevent the gradual deterioration of the body's regenerative abilities that we refer to as aging." Gendo raised an eyebrow. "Immortality?" "Not exactly, since we are still uncertain how long the effect lasts," admitted Fuyutsuki. "But we are monitoring several of the remaining Mark-I's, and all of them continue to remain as vital and youthful as they were twenty years ago. So, barring violence or misfortune, and as long as the symbiote remains healthy, I suppose there's no reason why any Newtype could not expect to live for centuries." Gendo was speechless. Fuyutsuki noted how quiet Gendo was and continued. "Newtype reflexive speed is improved by means of a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers and far more efficient neuro-transmitter hormones. Physical might is heightened due to an increase in muscle mass density, as well as a greater tensile strength in the tendons. Even endurance is also enhanced, as the symbiote is able to break down any fatigue poisons at an astonishing rate. And with the Mark-II version of the symbiote, we have also managed to improve intelligence and memory. Then, there is the Boost...." "The Boost?" Fuyutsuki shrugged. "It was something we first noticed in the Mark-I subjects, an array of special glands appearing throughout the host's body that first become active during adolescence. They are triggered by a region of nerve cells buried deep within one of the most primitive sections of the brain, a remnant of an elder epoch, a throwback to an earlier form of man. When called upon, they flood the body's systems with a potent biochemical stew of hormones and other serums, one that supercharges physical performance to almost preternatural levels." "Even the brain is affected," said Fuyutsuki as he tapped his forehead with a finger. "While boosted, a Newtype takes this savage throwback self, the one that lies deep within every human, drags it forth into the light of day, and embraces it. The mind washes clear of all fears and doubts that could cause any hesitation in battle, unleashing its full potential for combat. I'm told that it's almost like a religious experience." "However, because of the incredible drain that it causes on the body's resources, and a fatal one if its sustained for too long, we finally had telepaths from the Mobius Institute program subliminal safeguards into every Newtype, limiting the duration. That is the Boost, Colonel, but so far I've only seen one of my cadets display it. However, the potential lies within all of them." Gendo was impressed, but he hid it quite well. To cover himself, he picked up one dossier at random, finding himself looking at a small picture of Akane Tendo clipped onto the cover. Her name caught his attention, and he briefly wondered how closely she was related to a certain highly-placed officer in the Security Directorate. He studied some of her test scores, and he was pleased by what he saw. She would make an amazing soldier, once under his guidance. "How superior are these children, Professor, when compared to normal humans?" Gendo asked as he looked up from his reading. Fuyutsuki thought for a moment before replying, "We estimate an average that is somewhere in the realm of thirty percent over their unmodified potentials, but that number can vary greatly from subject to subject. We still lack hard data, due to the small size of the initial testing group, but the current one is expanding our knowledge base." "What about psychological effects of the symbiote on a subject? Are there any? Other than the Boost's, that is." Gendo pushed his glasses slightly up the bridge of his nose. Fuyutsuki looked briefly amused at the question. "There are a number of common features that we have noticed among the Newtypes. For starters, they are somehow able to subconsciously 'recognize' each other, at least to a degree. We are still not exactly sure what the mechanism involved is, but we believe it's a pheromonal cue of some sort. Those of opposing genders experience a physical attraction of varying intensity, and those of the same tend to react with different levels of aggression." "We believe that the symbiote may be instinctively influencing the host to seek out suitable partners for reproduction," said Fuyutsuki in a thoughtful tone. "Perhaps in order to pass along a copy of itself to any offspring. As those of the same gender are effectively useless for any sort of procreative purposes, their symbiotes react to each other with varying degrees of negativity. Fortunately, those subjects with a high degree of genetic similarity, such as siblings, or parent and offspring, we have managed to engineer the symbiote to perceive as neutral parties. The blocking is still not absolute, but the last thing we wanted to produce was a race of beings inherently prone to incestuous pairings." Fuyutsuki paused, then continued by saying, "We have also seen that Newtypes tend to manifest an odd sort of 'pack mentality' with each other, somewhat like it is with wolves or lions. The individual members establish a pecking order amongst themselves, with an Alpha Leader being ultimately at the top. My own testing group is still in the process of sorting out its own social order, since the group's Alpha Male keeps having to contend with the front-runner Alpha Female for dominion." "A woman in charge?" asked Gendo, somewhat surprised. Fuyutsuki smiled, and he replied, "It happens. Offhand, I can think of one testing group that currently has a female Alpha Leader." "I see," said Gendo. He gathered his thoughts for a moment. "Going back to the topic of reproduction, could a normal human and a Newtype produce a child?" Fuyutsuki replied, "Well, yes and no. While it _is_ possible for a normal male and a Newtype female to produce offspring without many complications, the reverse is not true and bears some strong risks. In the latter case, the fertilized egg is almost always rejected by the mother's reproductive organs, due to the embryonic presence of the symbiote. However, we are aware of an instance where a normal female carried a child fathered by a Newtype to term. And perhaps there have also been others that we are unaware of. But the danger of such a pairing is that the growing fetus will invariably infect the mother with the symbiote, with potentially fatal results." "That brings up another point," noted Gendo. "Is it very contagious?" "Only under limited circumstances," answered Fuyutsuki as he sat a bit forward and gazed levelly at the younger man. "The only way to pass it along is by means of a blood transfusion or a tissue transplant. Mere physical contact, even sexual activity, does not. And as to nonhuman transmission vectors, even a mosquito bite would only result in a dead mosquito before it could even withdraw its proboscis, as the symbiote ravaged it from within, as a perceived foreign invader to the host." Gendo looked puzzled, and asked, "But if it's coded to a specific host, then shouldn't it act to destroy another human its introduced into?" "In some cases, perhaps in as many as one in ten, it would," Fuyutsuki replied after a few moments. "But it seems to recognize something in a normal human that reverts it back into its colonization mode. However, if the host is older than about five or six, then the chances of death or genetic damage increase dramatically." Gendo briefly adjusted his glasses, and said, "The more I hear about what their capabilities are, the more I'm looking forward to this, Professor. Where do I fit in?" "It's quite simple, Colonel," answered Fuyutsuki. "The reason why we have these testing groups scattered among various learning institutions is to study how environment affects their development. The Newtypes all come from a wide range of familial backgrounds and varied childhood situations. For example, the current Alpha Leader of my testing group was taken away from his mother and raised exclusively by his father, to see the effect of pure male socialization on his personality, undiluted by the presence of any maternal figure. Now that they near adulthood, we must prepare these children to become part of an Empire that will soon be transformed. And so your job is to challenge these cadets in your care, to train them to their limits, and to make them into the best and the brightest that the Empire has to offer. That is your task." Gendo smiled. "Then consider it done, Professor." "Excellent, Colonel," said Fuyutsuki, nodding. "Let us turn to your cadets. The first one is...." ****************************** Sakura Kasugano did not consider herself to be very typical for a girl, driven as she was to become the very best fighter of her generation, but she had been enjoying shopping for clothes with Akane Tendo. At that particular moment, they were in one of the trendier shops, looking at fashions imported from all over the world. Sakura was frowning at the price tag on a black leather jacket that had caught her eye when Akane came out of the nearby dressing room. "Well?" Akane asked, turning around slowly in front of the three full- length mirrors and studying herself. She looked a bit self-conscious. "What do you think?" Sakura blinked. "Uh, it's rather daring," she finally ventured. "Do you think it's too much?" asked Akane as she turned back to face the mirror and studied the effect of the outfit on her body critically. The dark-blue minidress hugged her figure like a second skin, proudly displaying every nuance of her frame. It was backless, and a diamond of cloth had also been removed from the front, revealing a patch of skin that ran from just between her breasts to down around her lower waist region. "I think it looks good on me." Sakura absently noticed that a number of males currently gawking at Akane would have been among the first to agree. One was practically drooling. "You might want to tone it down a little," Sakura suggested. She gave Akane a grin. "It also looks a little cold to wear for this time of year." "I just want to make a good impression on Ra- uh, I mean, this boy that I like," said Akane with a suddenly disconcerted look. "I thought a change in tactics would help, starting with a sexier wardrobe." Sakura raised one eyebrow. "Well, if he has a pulse, I don't think he could fail to notice you in that outfit. But I think it comes across as a little too obvious." "I suppose you're right," Akane sighed. This was proving to be more of a challenge than she thought. Acting feminine had never been much of a priority for her, since boys her age had proven to be both immature and weak. That is, until Ranma Saotome had walked into her life, the first boy who had proven himself to be tougher than she was. "I'm just not very good at this sort of thing." Sakura nodded, suddenly feeling a little downcast herself. The two of them made quite a pair, two tomboyish girls out shopping for clothes to impress boys who did not even notice them. And she was in exact the same boat as Akane was, part of the reason why she was here. Her own beloved Ryu-senpai did not even seem to see her as a potential romantic interest, just a sparring partner with breasts. All he talked about lately was the Arena, and _her_. Sakura had grown to loathe the name of her unwitting nemesis for Ryu's heart. Shampoo. The Chinese Amazon was a growing legend in the annals of the Imperial Arena, reigning undefeated in well over three hundred Arena-sanctioned matches since her debut almost a year ago. She had started out like many others, in the lowliest "dog pits" of the Arena circuit, but this young, female gaijin had managed to battle her way upwards through the warrior rankings to attain her present position, and she had captured the hearts of young men across the Empire in the process. She was a barbarian, an untamed savage, and they loved her for it. The Arena had even gone so far as to capitalize on Shampoo's growing fame by instituting a special event in her honor, held once weekly, the so-called "Amazon Challenge." Any male Citizen of the Empire who was between the ages of fifteen and twenty could step into the Arena with the purple-haired warrioress and fight to win her hand in marriage, not to mention a tax-free cash prize of ten million yen. And no matter how many challengers she defeated, there always seemed to be another one the next week. The rules were relatively simple. A challenger paid an entry fee of one million yen, or signed a contract for a six-month term of service in the Arena if they did not have the money (to begin when they were healed enough to fight). After that, all one had to do was walk into the Arena with Shampoo and manage to defeat her in solo hand-to-hand combat. Since its inception, the Amazon Challenge had become one of the highest-rated, televised events in Arena history, with an average audience measured in the hundreds of millions from around the globe. Now her Ryu-senpai had put his name down on a contract, wagering half a year of his life that he was good enough to put Shampoo down in a fight. His doing so had been the talk of the Combat Club for weeks. He claimed to be doing it to honor his father's teachings, proving the strength of the Kumon School of Martial Arts to all the world. But Sakura had her doubts. Shampoo may have been gaijin, but she was also very beautiful, and a tempting prize for a teenage boy. The fight was scheduled for tonight. Sakura's musings were interrupted when Akane emerged from the dressing room in a different outfit. The black leather miniskirt and white silk blouse was a much better choice than the previous ensemble had been, and she nodded her approval. At least her friend was more fortunate than she was, not having to contend with someone like Shampoo for the attentions of the boy she liked. ****************************** Ranma strolled up to the gates of Kuno Manor and rang the bell. He waited for a response, absently rocking back and forth on his heels. "Greetings, Saotome-san," came an anonymous voice from the speaker. "You are expected within." There was a soft buzzing sound from the gate, and Ranma opened it up, letting it swing inwards on well-oiled hinges. He continued on his way, letting the heavy iron portal close behind him with a resounding clang. Kodachi waited for Ranma's approach to the manor house in her room, having been informed of his presence on the grounds within moments of his entry. She gazed downwards, feeling butterflies rampaging in her belly. She was dressed in a plain kimono of green silk, and a golden obi. Her hair was worn in a ponytail, tied with a purple ribbon. She fussed with her obi while she waited, trying hard to act the part of a lady of her station. Ranma came around a curve in the pathway leading to the house, and he spied Kodachi's form in one of the upper windows. He smiled at the sight of her, feeling an odd quivering within him. He put it down to nerves. A roaring sound came down the driveway as the walking path he was on intersected it on the way to the house. Ranma paused as a thick-set figure on an older model motorcycle came racing from the garage. With a sudden start, he recognized Lord Kuno as the driver, dressed in a faded leather jacket over casual clothes. Mirrored sunglasses glinted with reflected morning sunlight. The motorcycle came to a halt in front of him. "Saotome-kun," Lord Kuno said in greeting, smiling at him. "Nice to see you again, boy. Here to see my little Dachi, I trust?" "Good morning, Kuno-sama," Ranma replied, bowing respectfully. It was a mild struggle to do so. He straightened up and felt nervous again. "Uh, yes, I am. Sir." "Excellent, Saotome-kun," exulted Lord Kuno. "I know she'll try to hide it, but my little girl's been looking forward to seeing you." "Yes, sir." "You and I must talk sometime," said Lord Kuno, somehow making it sound like a command. He revved up the engine of his motorcycle, smiling almost reverently at the throaty roar it gave off, before letting it drop back into idle after a few moments. "Nothing like the sound of a well-tuned engine, boy. Well, I'm off. Remember, we have some things to talk about, you and I." And with that, the man was gone, racing down the driveway at breakneck speed. Ranma watched Lord Kuno speeding off with a slightly bemused expression on his face. He may not have been 'Principal Kuno' in this timeline, but he was still kind of strange. Ranma just chalked it up to the many eccentricities inherent among the wealthy. Forcing herself to stop nervously fussing with her clothes, Kodachi smiled down at Ranma as he paused at the base of the steps leading up to the front door. She saw him look upwards, meeting her gaze with a smile of his own. Her heart fluttered in her chest at the sight of his blue eyes. The pigtailed boy waved at Kodachi, then he leaped upwards, quickly landing gracefully on the edge of the balcony below her room. In another few moments, he was outside her window. With a grin, Ranma knocked on the glass. Kodachi was somewhat taken aback at his actions, but she could not deny the thrill she felt at watching Ranma in motion. She swallowed her heart back down her throat, feeling another eruption of butterflies in her belly. She stood there, a shy smile on her face. "Hey, Kodachi, are you gonna let me in or not?" Ranma called through the glass separating them, his voice teasing. "Well, I don't know," said Kodachi coquettishly, still smiling shyly. "Coming to my room like this in broad daylight is very bold of you, Saotome-kun. The servants might talk." Now it was Ranma's turn to be taken aback. He waved his arms in the air in negation, almost knocking himself right off the ledge outside Kodachi's room. "H-hey, I wasn't gonna do nothing weird," he said plaintively. Taking a moment to calm himself, he brought his speech patterns back under control. It tended to deteriorate into how his analogs spoke when he got flustered. He continued more calmly, "I was just eager to get to you." Kodachi blushed at Ranma's statement for several moments, then she felt Sukeban-Kodachi suddenly stir to life within her. With an impish grin, she unlocked the window and threw it open, almost knocking Ranma off the ledge once again. She watched him scramble inside, and then she remembered that she was still somewhat cross with him over the whole Utena matter. "Good morning, Saotome-kun," Kodachi said coolly, bowing to him in a very ladylike fashion. "You are looking well." "Uh, good morning, Kodachi," Ranma replied, bowing. He was surprised at her quick change in attitude, and he impulsively asked, "Are you still upset about me talking to Utena?" Kodachi blinked and replied coolly, "Why should I be upset about such a thing, Saotome-kun? After all, there's nothing going on between you and that Tenjou girl, right?" "Of course not," Ranma denied flatly. "Utena's just a friend." Even as he said that, a memory of Utena kissing him on the train station came to mind. He banished it back to the deep recesses of his brain, suddenly feeling a little nervous. Was it possible that Kodachi knew that Utena had spent the night at his house? Kodachi's gaze narrowed at him, ever so slightly. Seeing that look in her eyes, Ranma's already hypersensitive brain went into guilt overload and froze up. "There was a rumor going around the Academy while you were training," said Kodachi calmly. "Some cadets claimed to have seen Utena Tenjou spend the night at your house after your first match with her. Did anything like that happen, Saotome-kun?" "Yeah, did it, Ranma-kun?" came an unexpected voice from the window. Ranma snapped his head around to see Nabiki perched there, and his eyes went wide in surprise at seeing her. He could not seem to find the will to move as she almost casually hopped down into Kodachi's room, strolled over to him, and slowly wrapped the fingers of her hands into the front of his shirt. Kodachi decided to side with Nabiki, for just this time, and she stood quietly to one side, feeling a deep heaviness build in her chest as the Tendo girl interrogated him. The mere thought of her fiancé and that pink-haired trollop together was almost more than she could bear, but she forced herself to hear his side of it before she condemned him. If only he was more like gentle Miki, came the thought from somewhere deep within, startling her for a moment. "Perhaps you have something to confess?" Nabiki asked mildly. Her grip tightened, and she half-lifted him off the floor. She let go of him with one hand, slowly balling it into a fist. Her other arm did not show even a single quiver of strain, and her voice lowered into more dangerous tones. "I think you do." Ranma gulped, glancing at Kodachi for possible assistance. Her rather stern-looking gaze was a study in feminine anger, and he gulped again at the sight. He was still a little bit weakened from his battle with Utena, or he might have tried to make a break for it past Nabiki. "Well?" said Nabiki, drawing him nose to nose with her. "Did she spend the night at your house, or not?" "Yesbutnothinghappened!" Ranma blurted out, wincing his eyes shut as he waited for the first blow to strike. When nothing happened, he peeked one eye open and began babbling before Nabiki could change her mind. "It's the truth! She slept in my bedroom, and I slept elsewhere in the house! Nothing happened!" Nabiki slowly set Ranma down and loosened her grip. She was trained to recognize when someone was attempting to lie to her, and he apparently was not, unless Ranma could fool her. A mirthless smile crossed her face. The pigtailed boy might be capable in a number of areas, but he would never be a good enough liar to deceive her. "I believe you, Ranma-kun," said Nabiki. Kodachi released the breath she had been holding, feeling a tremendous sense of relief flood through her. She must have misunderstood what was being said between Utena and Ranma in his bedroom. Her Saotome-kun was still innocent of the pleasures of the flesh, and that was good. When the time was right, she and her beloved could end their innocence together, in each other's arms. The thought sent a wave of contentment through her. At that moment, Kuno knocked once on Kodachi's door and then opened it without even waiting for an answer. "My dear sister, I-" He froze, seeing an unexpected tableau before him. Ranma Saotome stood before him, scandalously unescorted in Kodachi's private bedchambers! Even more damning (if that were possible), the loathsome peasant was being embraced by the arms of Tatewaki Kuno's own intended bride! His initial reasons for entry were forgotten in the sudden rage that began consuming him. Uh oh, thought Ranma. His mind processed the scene in a flash and gave a quick prediction of Kuno's likely response. He began disentangling himself from Nabiki's grip in his shirt. "Saotome, you fiend!" roared Kuno. His ever-present bokken appearing in hand as if by magic, he charged the pigtailed boy, intent on mayhem. "Prepare for thy well-deserved doom!" Nabiki briefly shrugged and stepped clear to let Ranma fight his own battles. As an afterthought, she gave the pigtailed boy a shove in Kuno's direction to spur him on. Kodachi was too slow to get between the two boys, and she watched in horror as Ranma stumbled forward, seeming to lose his balance. "I have you now!" Kuno called out as he executed a downward slash with his weapon, narrowly missing Ranma's skull by the width of a coin. His nemesis had dodged at the last instant. "Impossible!" "I'm really-" said Ranma as he dodged aside from another one of Kuno's strikes. "Getting tired-" He dropped to the floor in a spread-legged move and rolled away from the next series of rapid-fire blows. "Of jerks like you-" His body took to the air in a spin and a leap, coming to land on the blade of Kuno's wooden weapon for a moment. "Who keep attacking me!" Ranma's hands grabbed the young nobleman's shoulders in a tight grip, before leaping over Kuno's head and executing a reverse takedown. Kuno's body seemed to briefly defy physics as it executed a 270-degree flip in midair before slamming facedown into the flooring, leaving a Kuno-shaped crater where he landed. The young nobleman remained there as the dust settled, apparently unconscious. The whole fight, from start to finish, had taken less than ten seconds. "Jerk," Ranma grumbled as he stood up and dusted himself off. Both girls blinked in surprise. Even Nabiki was somewhat astonished at how quickly Ranma had finished the fight, even if it had been against Kuno. "Are you hurt, Saotome-kun?" asked Kodachi, quickly checking him over for injuries. In her concern for his well-being, her hands seemed to rove on their own, and slightly further afield than decorum allowed. Ranma replied, "Uh, I'm fine, Kodachi." He absently moved her hands away from his person. Fortunately missing that little exchange, Nabiki walked over and knelt down next to Kuno, noting that he was still twitching slightly. She rolled him over, studied his condition briefly to make sure the damage was only superficial, and then she stood up and turned around. Kuno chose that moment to return to a awareness. His eyes were still blurry, but he saw a figure in Chinese-style clothes before him. It could only be that cur, Saotome! "I fight on!" shouted Kuno, grabbing hold of Nabiki from behind. As he did so, one of his hands came around and grasped her bosom. An odd expression came across his face as he became more aware, and he made the mistake of not immediately letting go. Nabiki's eyes widened, a look of shock quickly being replaced by one of fury. Ranma and Kodachi both closed their eyes as a brief scene of carnage took place. There were the distinctive sounds of flesh being battered and joints wrenching for several seconds. It ended when it sounded like Kuno was returned to his place on the floor, rather forcefully. When it was finally quiet again, Ranma opened his eyes. Nabiki was standing there, looking thoughtful. Her gaze came over to meet his. "Brother dear!" Kodachi exclaimed, rushing to Kuno's side. She cradled him in her arms as she quickly checked his battered body for injuries. It quickly became obvious that Nabiki must have been pulling her blows when she pummeled him unconscious. She took a moment to summon one of the household servants to see to her brother's care before she returned once again to Ranma's side. The two girls exchanged a brief glare that sizzled in the air between them. Ranma glanced at each of his companions and swallowed softly. Kodachi took a gentle hold of Ranma's arm and enjoyed the soft surge of sweet sensations coursing through her body from being so near him. Nabiki muscled the noblewoman away from Ranma. "That's enough of that, Kodachi. Before you get too carried away, I have some news for you." She gestured at herself with her thumb. "I'm Ranma's fiancée. That means he's off-limits to you from now on." "What?" said Ranma flatly, echoed by Kodachi's more shrill question a half-second later. Nabiki nodded and said with a touch of smugness, "His daddy and my daddy made a secret pact to join our two families. I've seen the contract." "But that's not possible," said Kodachi. "Saotome-kun's father and my father have agreed to a marriage between Saotome-kun and myself." "What?" said Ranma and Nabiki together, the pigtailed boy now looking somewhat pale. He sat down in a nearby chair and put his face in his hands while the two girls loudly discussed the matter. In the back of his mind, he thought he heard laughter. Why were these things happening to him? ****************************** Genma tipped back the cup of sake and let the fiery liquid slip down his throat. It was a good day, in his opinion. "The check for Kodachi's dowry, Saotome-kun," said Lord Kuno with a smile, sliding a rectangle of paper across the table, stopping in front of Genma. He picked up his own cup of sake and let the girl waiting on them refill it. She did the same for Genma, and then Lord Kuno held up his cup. "Here's to the future happiness of our children together, and the many offspring they will have with each other." "I'll drink to that," said Genma with a smile. He swallowed down the full cup and then set it down, picking up the check. The number of zeroes on it made him wonder if he was drunker than he thought he was. When the numbers did not change as he squinted at them, a feeling of contentment washed through him. With this money, his plans would become a reality. He had already made an offer on the abandoned temple sitting next door to the property where the Saotome household was on this world. It would make a fine dojo for the Anything-Goes School of Martial Arts, a fine one indeed. "This is just like old times, eh, Saotome-kun?" said Lord Kuno, as he fondled the girl next to him. There was nothing like visiting a place of the water trade to unwind from a hard week of politics, as well as to conduct a little private business. But now that he had given his old friend the check for Kodachi's dowry, sealing the deal between their two families, it was time for pleasure. He turned to the girl next to him and gave her a deep kiss, moving his hand up to knead her breast. Akemi Roppongi mimicked being excited when she felt Lord Kuno's hands roaming about on her body. She giggled and sighed at all the proper moments to maintain the illusion. At least he was a much higher class of clientele than she usually dealt with, and a much better tipper. So she let him use her body, and expertly feigned her interest. While his companion enjoyed the girl in his arms, Genma continued to drink and smile. The future was indeed bright. ****************************** After listening to the two girls argue for the better part of an hour, Ranma ordered a truce. Results were mixed. "Fine," said Nabiki, glaring at the troublesome noblewoman. She was willing to ease off for now, quite confident that the situation would eventually resolve in her favor. After all, Nabiki Tendo never lost. Kodachi was a bit taken aback at Ranma's words, and she rather stiffly replied, "Very well, Saotome-kun, but only because _you_ ask it of me." She eyed the other girl coolly, her posture showing that she was every inch a lady, something that a lowborn harridan like Nabiki Tendo could never hope to equal. Ranma would come to choose her, since anything else was simply inconceivable. Ranma breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that the two girls had not chosen to get violent, or worse, mad at him. He knew that the whole situation was still unresolved, and the brief armistice would not last for very long, but he had peace between them for now. That was all that mattered for the moment. "Could you show me my new lab space, Kodachi?" Ranma asked into the sudden, deathly silence. "Of course, Saotome-kun," Kodachi answered pleasantly, sounding as if she had not been within seconds of going for Nabiki's throat only a short time ago. Nabiki gestured towards the door, and said dryly, "Then lead the way, Kodachi-sama." A short walk later brought them into a less-used section of Kuno Manor. Kodachi produced a key and unlocked a sturdy-looking door. She stepped in, and the motion sensors activated the lights smoothly. Boxes of components and tables of unpacked equipment were arrayed around the room in an orderly arrangement. Ranma stepped into the room and almost had a religious experience at the sight of the resources now available to him. He slowly set down the battered bookbag containing his notebook and the carefully-boxed quantum flux coil within itself. The room around him made his former lab space look totally archaic. "It's wonderful," Ranma said softly. Nabiki felt a brief surge of jealousy at the tone of Ranma's voice, and she glanced at Kodachi. The other girl looked insufferably smug at how pleased she had made the pigtailed boy, and it rankled her. Her hand closed into a fist at her side. "I want to get started right away," said Ranma suddenly, startling both girls out of their thoughts. He retrieved his bookbag and pulled out the contents, setting them on the central table. While the two girls watched, Ranma took inventory, making notes on what he had and what he still needed. The quest to rescue Professor Genma Saotome had begun, and Ranma and the girls labored through the rest of the day working on the Quantum Neural Resonator, Mark-II. If he could somehow manage to keep Kodachi and Nabiki from each other's throats for long enough to finish it, then his worries would be over. ****************************** Later that same day, Ryu Kumon sat in the small dressing room that had been made available to him at the Arena. He could hear the sounds of activity out in the hallway as he occupied himself with preparing for the upcoming match. A soft nimbus of chi hovered around his body as he meditated. "Tonight it begins, Father," Ryu suddenly said into the stillness of the room. "The Kumon School of Martial Arts shall begin its rise to prominence once again. I will keep my promise. I shall become the strongest martial artist in the world, by whatever means are necessary. I will make you proud of me." There was a knock at the door. "Thirty minutes until fight time." Ryu acknowledged the voice, and the speaker went away. He went back to his meditations. ****************************** Shampoo stepped briskly out of the shower area, her body wrapped in a soft towel. Lithely powerful muscles rippled in her shoulders and arms as she rubbed a second towel through her long, violet hair to dry it, and she slowly walked the distance to her assigned dressing cubicle in her bare feet. Pausing outside the opening to it, she swiftly wrapped the towel around her head before she opened the door to the little closet outside it. With a neutral look, she reached in and pulled out her costume for the match tonight. The costume in question was one of several that she had, but this one consisted of a tough, silken, short-sleeved shirt made from a light purple cloth with two golden dragons embroidered upon it in opposing directions. It was just long enough to hang slightly below her hips, and it fit snugly across her torso to show off her figure quite nicely without hindering her movements at all. The plain white sash draped over a hangar was used to belt it at her waist. A skintight set of black silken pants was worn beneath it, and a pair of soft leather boots in white, laced up the front to mid-calf, completed the outfit. It was an audience favorite, so she wore it for most matches, but she found it gaudy. Her usual complaint sounded in her head as she looked it over. Shampoo glumly thought to herself in her native Mandarin with a slight sigh as she stepped into her cubicle. Shampoo's cubicle was pretty plain in appearance, nearly identical to the others in the dressing area. The only personal touch to hers was her small collection of clippings on each of her victories. Around the perimeter of her dressing mirror were several dozen small newspaper articles, carefully cut out and pasted to cardstock before being tacked on the wall. The headlines were full of such forgettable headers as: 'Amazon Warrior Scores Another Victory'; 'Chinese Amazon Wins Again'; and there was even the first one ever written about her, and the one that she most disliked, 'Shampoo: The Amazon Warrior Princess.' Since that particular article had come out, her proper name was now always mispronounced as Shampoo, instead of Xian Pu, even by her fellow fighters. Shampoo sighed slightly as she sat down in her dressing chair, and she stretched her long legs out in front of her. Tonight felt like it was going to be a very good night. She had three fights scheduled on the docket, but none of them looked to be any particular challenge for her, two of them were premieres for some corporate-sponsored fighters on the Arena circuit, and the third was her Amazon Challenge match. She smirked, wondering how quickly she could put her latest 'suitor' down for the count. Relaxing quietly in her chair for a few moments, Shampoo loosely rolled her head from side to side until the bones in her neck popped lightly. Her muscles were loose and limber from the hot water shower, and she felt ready to put on a good show tonight. Around her, a dozen girls around her own age chatted quietly with each other, either around or over the short walls of their individual cubicles, as they dressed for tonight. The mood was slightly subdued, as it always was before matches. An air of nervous tension pervaded the room, especially among the newer girls. Most of them hailed from China, now controlled by the Empire of Japan for over a century and a half, and the rest of the girls came from the farthest corners of the Empire. There was even one girl of Native American stock, a tall, reddish-tan skinned beauty who called herself Running Deer in the language of her people's conquerors. She never spoke her name in her native Apache. They were all here for one reason, and one reason only, to provide entertainment for their overlords in the Imperial Arena. Shampoo had been here for a number of months now, becoming one of the respected few in the Arena subculture. She had left her people behind a year ago, and she had sworn a solemn oath before the village shrine that she would not return without the prize she sought: Citizenship. In the Arena, it was offered as a sop to motivate the masses who fought, bled, and even died for the entertainment of an Empire. Shampoo did not care. Only the prize mattered, the brass ring at the end of the ride. Once each year, a tournament was held, and only the strongest fighters in the Arena circuit were invited to compete. She had worked hard to get here, and her goal was soon within her reach. She would participate in the Imperial Tournament, and she would win the prize of Citizenship for herself. Few women had ever succeeded, but she was an Amazon, a superior woman from a tribe of heroes. At the end of the tournament, there would be only one victor, and the name the crowds screamed would be Shampoo. Closing her eyes, Shampoo let her thoughts drift as she relaxed her mind. Being an Amazon, her skill in the fighting arts had been quickly noticed in the "dog pits" where she began her career, fighting against men and other women in brutal spectacles. She was selected from among her group of warriors to advance to the next rank, the Regional Arena in Hong Kong. Her contract was bought up by Global Communications, one of the many corporate zaibatsus that controlled most of the wealth of the Empire. She had become valuable property. Shampoo was from a tribe of Amazons in the southern regions of China. Her people had been mostly ignored by the invaders for over a decade while they subdued the rest of China. However, eventually it was her people's turn. Others in the area had chosen to fight to the last, such as the Musk Dynasty. The Empire had obliged them in this desire, and they had committed brutal genocide upon the Amazons' most ancient enemies as an example to other groups in the area. The Matriarchal Council had chosen to surrender on semi-favorable terms. The many secrets of the Amazons had been preserved, and the Imperial government in Tokyo mostly ignored their existence, except for collecting taxes. The Amazons paid lip service to the very infrequent government officials, but otherwise they went about their business. It was a tribute to Shampoo's supreme fighting skills that her face remained unmarked, and her body had only some few, small scars. These scars existed on her torso and limbs, but nothing of any degree that would detract from her desirability as a woman. That beauty, and her graceful strength in martial arts combat, were the two reasons why she was very popular with the Arena fans. Shampoo didn't really care for her small fame. She used her time in the Arena to polish and improve her skills a little more each day, and she looked forward to the day when she could finally go home a champion. The tall Apache girl, Running Deer, was one of the few people that Shampoo considered a friend. The two of them had been together for the last several months, ever since they were placed together in the same training class. They had alternated for the topmost slot, along with the Korean girl, Mina Li. Mina was a powerful martial artist, and perhaps Shampoo's strongest and most mutually disliked rival in the Arena. That rivalry had begun the first time that they had faced each other, and it would probably only end when one of them was dead. Late at night, Shampoo and Running Deer would sometimes lie on their cots and talk about their dreams and plans for the future. The dream that Shampoo had was to return home a Citizen, and then find a man able to win her hand. Running Deer had laughed at the Amazon laws when Shampoo had first explained them to her. She had found them to be very odd, especially the idea of falling in love with a man who was willing to beat her up as a form of courtship. However, she eventually made Shampoo a solemn promise that she would come visit and see what they were like for herself. Shampoo put aside her musings and busied herself getting ready for tonight's match. She unwrapped the towel from around her body, and admired herself briefly in the mirror with a smile. Opening the drawer on the right side of her dressing table, she pulled out and slipped on one of the pairs of panties that she found neatly folded inside. Right after that, she slipped on a sports bra and adjusted the fit, and then she put on the silk shirt and pants. She paused to admire her trim figure in the mirror again. "Look who's admiring herself again," Shampoo heard quite clearly from across the way. The Amazon turned to glare at the speaker, the Korean girl, Mina Li, who then whispered something more softly to the newer girl next to her. Mina gave Shampoo a cool stare. "You don't have nearly as much to admire about yourself as I do about my own figure." Shampoo made no reply. Mina Li was a beautiful Korean girl who was about two centimeters shorter than Shampoo. She had a bosomy and lithely muscular figure that was barely covered by her low-cut, skintight, white silk outfit. Her straight black hair was cropped short and framed a finely-featured face with full lips. A black sash with blood-red trim was worn around her waist, and a pair of soft black slippers on her feet completed the outfit. She didn't look very dangerous, but Shampoo wasn't fooled. Mina had left a string of broken bodies behind her on her climb to her present ranking in the Arena, and she had even killed on three separate occasions, her victims two young men and a girl. The girl had been a friend of Shampoo's, a fellow Chinese girl who had been an excellent fighter, both with swords as well as barehanded. Arena fights were not supposed to be to the death, especially among the Elites. They were each considered to be far too valuable for their skills to die on worldwide television, but Mina did not seem to care, and her high popularity ratings disgusted Shampoo. Mina, on the other hand, was very jealous of Shampoo's even greater popularity. Turning around, Shampoo ignored Mina as if the Korean girl was beneath her notice. This always infuriated the other girl, and the Amazon heard some loudly-muttered curses in Korean behind her. The other girls in the dressing room were far too afraid of Mina to laugh at her, except for Running Deer. Shampoo heard the Apache girl stop outside Mina's cubicle and make some pointedly-barbed, whispered comment that earned her a screaming tirade of abuse in Korean. Shampoo ignored Mina's shouting at her friend, and she contented herself with looking forward to the day when she would cheerfully kill the girl with her bare hands. "The Korean princess seems to be in fine form today," remarked Running Deer casually as she stood outside Shampoo's cubicle, a broad grin on her face. "I don't think she's repeated herself once yet." Shampoo slipped on a pair of socks, and pulled on one of her boots. She began carefully lacing it up the front of her shin. She enjoyed how well they fit, and they gave her excellent traction without being encumbering. She nodded as Running Deer chattered on. "I still think we should go with my idea sometime," said Running Deer in a conversational tone of voice. "I'll hold her arms, and you can beat the bra stuffings out of her. What do you think of that?" A loud screech of rage emerged from Mina's cubicle. "I do _not_ stuff my bra, you barbarian giant! These are the real thing, and I have several male conquests who will confirm that!" Running Deer yawned and then smiled. At a height of 175-centimeters, the Apache girl was one of the tallest girls in their age bracket. She came into Shampoo's cubicle with a casual stride, sat down in the extra chair, and kicked her feet up on the end of the dressing table. Her Arena outfit was a bit barbaric for Shampoo's tastes, but the Apache girl liked it. It consisted of a pair of snug, brown leather pants that encased her muscular legs, with a beaded fringe down each outer thigh, and a beaded leather vest. Her straight, coal-black hair was encircled by a colorful headband with more beads and eagle feathers in it that rested below her bangs, the length in back reaching below her shoulders. Soft leather moccasins encased her feet. Her long, bare arms were sleek and sinewy, and Shampoo knew that the rest of Running Deer's body was the same way. After pulling on her other boot, Shampoo began to lace it up, taking her time. "Running Deer ready for tonight?" She turned to look at her friend. The other girl thought about it a moment. "Me?" replied Running Deer, shrugging. "I'm always ready for a fight. I'm hoping for a run for my money though tonight. I'm starting to worry that a lack of challenging opponents is making me soft." She punctuated her statement by smacking a bare fist into her other palm. "Running Deer is last person that Shampoo would call soft," the Amazon said with a smile. Finished with lacing up her boots, she stood up. "We go show these soft Japanese a couple of real fighters!" ****************************** Akane was seated to Sakura's right, cheerfully munching on a bag of popcorn as the house lights dimmed, and the announcer walked out to the center of the Arena. An enormous video monitor overhead brought the man's face into clear focus. He had the smarmy looks of a game show host, but with even better hair. The man bowed to the crowd briefly, and stood up with a smile. "Good evening, gentlemen and ladies of the Empire! Tonight we have an excellent show lined up for you, so sit back and enjoy the next two hours of spine-tingling carnage! Prepare yourself to witness the acts of masters of the arts of fighting! Our eager competitors come from the far corners of the Empire! Give a cheer for our warriors for the evening!" The man paused as the crowd erupted into cheers for their favorite fighters. Young men and women dressed in colorful fighting costumes jogged out to join the announcer in the center. Akane listened with interest to the cheers from the crowd, offering up some of her own. Beside her, Sakura was rather quiet. Some of the fighters apparently had some large fan sections, and spotlights wove through the crowd. Each of the fighters also briefly appeared on the monitors with their names below. Sakura suddenly stiffened when Ryu appeared on the central monitor, his name scrolling across the bottom of the screen. She was able to pick him out of the line of fighters easily enough, and he seemed almost mesmerized by the crowds surrounding him as he looked around. Seeing the Amazon near the other end of the group, Sakura felt an odd sort of tightness in her chest. "Please lose, Ryu-senpai," Sakura whispered, the sound unheard in the loud tumult around her. ****************************** After watching men and women beating each other almost to a pulp for over an hour, Ryu knew that it was finally time. He had been closely watching the Amazon's performance in the two matches that preceded his, and her technique was flawless. Neither of them had even been able to touch her, let alone injure her. He was grateful for that. Nothing could be allowed to cast a shadow over his victory tonight, and he was within his contractual rights to request a postponement if such had been the case. He gazed at Shampoo, seated some distance from him with the other Elites. "He's looking at you again," noted Running Deer in an aside to Shampoo. "Him male. All males look at Shampoo," said the Amazon with a grin. Running Deer changed tactics. "He's cute." "Shampoo not notice," said the Amazon with a shrug. "Shampoo only care if Citizen boy defeat Shampoo. But that not going to happen. Shampoo too strong." ****************************** Finally, it was time for the Amazon Challenge. A spotlight illuminated the figure of the announcer, standing in the center of the Arena. "Gentlemen and ladies of the Empire!" called out the announcer to the crowd. "Tonight we again bring you a special show, a test of courage for a lucky young man. Now coming into the center of the Arena is the lovely Shampoo, one of our finest fighters. She remains undefeated in over three hundred matches of martial arts competition under this roof." A spotlight followed Shampoo as she came out to the center in a series of graceful flips and jumps. She gave one final leap, and she landed in the circle of light around the announcer as she came to a graceful stop. "Who has dared to make the attempt to tame this beautiful girl from one of the frontiers of the Empire?" Another spotlight came on over Ryu's head, blinding him for a moment as he began walking out to the center to join Shampoo and the announcer. "Ryu Kumon! Our challenger for this evening, comes direct to us from Furinkan Military Academy, one of the future officers of our proud Empire's military. Tonight, if young Ryu can defeat his lovely opponent, not only will he win this lovely Amazon as his bride, but he will also take home a cash prize, tax-free, of five million yen! As all of Shampoo's many fans across the globe know, any man who defeats an Amazon in fair combat becomes her husband by the laws of her village." As the announcer walked away, he called out, "And now, let the Amazon Challenge begin!" With thousands of people watching them here in the Imperial Arena, and millions more witnessing the spectacle from around the world, Ryu and Shampoo engaged each other in combat. ****************************** Akane was on the edge of her seat, cheering loudly for her Amazon hero, as the match got underway. She watched as the two traded punches and kicks, testing out each other's defenses. Shampoo made it look almost like a flirtation as she pounded blows into Ryu's defenses, somehow able to combine cuteness and toughness into a single package that Akane could only envy. As the match continued on, Akane had a brief fantasy that the couple battling down on the floor were herself and Ranma. She smiled at the thought, and she looked forward to the day that she could face him again in battle. ****************************** Shampoo leaped away from a high-circling kick thrown by Ryu, almost hovering in midair as she evaded the blows. The Citizen boy was pretty good, but she was slowly taking his measure. He was fast and strong, but she was faster than he was, so she let him wear himself out trying to strike at her. Ryu was astonished. He had been pulling out every trick that he knew, ones that had enabled him to emerge as top fighter at Furinkan, and the Amazon was countering everything he threw at her. What was worse, she seemed to be flirting with him, teasing him with her beauty. Why else would he keep feeling this intense desire for the Amazon burning within him? He had to defeat her, for the sake of his family honor. What was becoming more obvious to him was that he had to defeat her, so that he could claim her for his own. Shampoo felt a sudden buzzing arise in the back of her skull, and she knew that it was now time to end this. Something powerful was building within her, demanding its release. Her great-grandmother had called it the Dragon Rage, a legendary ability that had not been seen in over two thousand years. It was not something that could be trained, but was instead a gift from the gods themselves. But her great-grandmother had warned her to beware its seductive power. If she did not, then the Dragon Rage would consume her from within, or so said the legends. She had given the audience a good show, but Ryu was obviously not the one destined to defeat her. With an almost sorrowful look crossing her face, Shampoo let the buzzing fill her mind- -and unleashed the Dragon Rage. Ryu felt something change within Shampoo, and he readied himself for whatever was coming. He had time for a single last-ditch defense, and then the Amazon's attacks were all over him. A lightning-fast series of punches and kicks swiftly ripped through his defenses, each one more powerful than the last. He felt her foot explode against his skull, and then the world went dark. ****************************** "RYU-SENPAI!" Sakura stood there in shock, unable to remember leaping to her feet. The audience erupted in cheers for Shampoo around her, drowning out her own cry in a sea of human voices. Even Akane was cheering for Shampoo, momentarily forgetting her friend. Down on the Arena floor, Ryu's body had slammed into one of the high Plexiglas walls from the sheer force of Shampoo's knockout blow. He had fallen face-down after impact, and he was no longer moving. Sakura clasped her hands together in front of her face. He just had to be all right. A movement on the Arena floor caught her eye, and she saw Shampoo stand tall and receive the applause of the crowd with aplomb. A faint haze of crimson seemed to cover her vision as she watched the Amazon lift both her arms to the sky, her hands closed into fists. The crowd went wild with cheers. At that moment, gazing down at a victorious Shampoo, Sakura made a silent vow in the deepest depths of her heart. She would face the purple-haired Amazon in single combat someday, and she would leave Shampoo in the same condition as her beloved Ryu-senpai had been left: battered, broken, and humbled. And if the Amazon knew what was good for her, she would pray to whatever gods she held most dear that Sakura Kasugano was feeling merciful that day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yay! Another chapter is finally complete, but it was a bit longer than I expected it to be. Luckily, a portion of it was taken from the first version of QD, re-edited and expanded for the revised version. Shampoo has finally made her appearance in the main plotline, so you fans of the purple-haired wonder can cease bugging me about that (you know who you are). ? Thanks to my pre-readers for all of their help and advice: DB Sommer Doug Whiddon Jed Hagen Michael Allen Stardragon Stephen Sparrow