________________________ / \ | Vengeance And A Half | \________________________/ Thanks to my pre-readers: Ben aevan ukie Kevin D. Hammel http://www.geocities.com/~khammel/ff/index.html Visit my website at dzillman@ozemail.com.au http://www.ozemail.com.au/~dzillman/fire What has happened: Nothing, this is the first chapter, silly. Part 1: In Cold Blood ===================== Ryoga gave a feral grin. The malicious hatred in his smile was emphasised all the more by the presence of a pair of large fangs that showed through whenever he smiled or shouted. Normally, Ryoga had very little to smile about, so he just shouted in anger at his eternal rival. Today he did have something to smile about, so he threw his head back and yelled in ecstasy. "With this, I shall finally have the revenge that I so deserve! Saotome Ranma, the next day that we meet shall be your last among the living!" Laughing madly, Ryoga walked down the hill he was on, blindly knocking over small trees and rocks. Branches scratched him and divots continually tried to trip him, but what did he need to worry about minor pains like that? Clenched tightly within one palm, Ryoga held the key to his every dream: the defeat of Saotome Ranma. There was no doubt that Ranma was the single person in existence that caused all of Ryoga's hardship. Ryoga could not think of a single reason why someone would dedicate their life to making him miserable, but Ranma obviously had some reason. No-one could cause as much pain to Ryoga unless they were doing it deliberately, which obviously meant that all of Ranma's life had been dedicated to causing Ryoga's suffering. Well, that suffering would end soon. Ryoga held in his hand a scroll that described the ultimate fighting technique. A technique so powerful that it was kept as a secret from almost everyone who would seek it. Only Ryoga had been worthy of the knowledge, and now he would use it to defeat Ranma. According to the young man that he had met only a couple of hours ago, Ryoga was slightly north of Tokyo. His victim was only a day's walk away, two days to be safe. Two days would also give Ryoga time to keep practising the Shi Shi Hokodan. It was funny how fate works some times. Just yesterday, Ryoga had been slightly misplaced. Not that he was lost, Ryoga was too good a martial artist to possibly get lost, he was just a little uncertain where he was. Things were normally bad enough when he was... misplaced... in a forest or a desert, but underground was even worse. Without being sure just how the pigtailed martial artist had done it, Ryoga was sure that it must have been Ranma's fault that he had been lost in a seemingly endless series of mines. With his limited store of patience already exhausted, Ryoga was almost ready to resort to desperate measures. He had been lost underground before, but now since Cologne had taught him the breaking point, it had never really been much of a problem. Ryoga went through his maps to see if any of them showed the layouts for the disused mine that he was in. He had still been reading over them when a bent old man had happened upon him in the cave. For some strange reason, the man had believed that Ryoga had been lost, despite the fact that the lost boy was sure that it was really just some hideous trick that Ranma had played on him. "Errr. It's a nasty set of caves we've got down here." "Eh? Oh, I didn't see you there. I don't suppose you know which way the subway is, do you?" The old miner laughed a little. "No, Boy. No subways down here. They save them for the city." Ryoga held up a random map. "But... I thought this was Kyoto..." "Kyoto? How'd you get that idea?" "Well, that's were I fell into the hole. I just kept walking for a while and ended up here." The old man looked concerned and stepped closer to Ryoga. "You sure you didn't bump your head when you fell in? We aren't anywhere near Kyoto." Ryoga gave a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his head. "I guess I must have been mistaken. It's these maps you see. They're all the same." "Mmmm." The old man nodded wisely. "Well, Boy, just follow me and we'll be out of here in no time." The old miner - as he revealed himself to be - had not been lying. Only another ten minutes walk saw them back on the surface. Ryoga looked around squinting in the bright light of the day and bowed deeply to the miner. "Thank you so much for getting me out of there. I need to get back to Tokyo as soon as possible." "Oh? What’s in Tokyo? Your girlfriend?" So much blood rushed to Ryoga's face as he blushed, there was none left to operate his brain at normal capacity. Alternatively it was just the thought of Akane as his girlfriend that left him bereft of cognisant speech. "Well... No... But... That is... I haven't... And she... I... Arrrg! It all Ranma's fault!" "Whoa, Boy, whoa! Calm down there. You'll burst a blood vessel or something. This Ranma boy trying to steal your girl?" Snarling in almost-repressed frustration, Ryoga punched out at a tree, causing the great trunk to shake and begin to keel over. "Saotome Ranma. The most evil man in existence. It is because of him that I am out here training. Only when I am good enough can I return and free Akane from his clutches." "Training?" "I'm a martial artist, and the only way that I can defeat Ranma is to find a new technique that he will not be able to defeat. That's why I went training. If I can find the right attack..." The man lead Ryoga back to a shack that amazingly looked like it may have been both older and in worse shape than the miner. The floor was littered with old picks, shovels and rock samples, while the walls were covered in pictures of men who had been rendered unrecognisable by the masses of dirt and dust clinging to their faces. After rooting around in a chest for a while, the old miner came up with a scroll of paper that he presented to Ryoga. "This here's an ancient way of clearing your way out of mine fall-ins. Can't rightly say that I ever got it to work myself, but being a martial artist and all, maybe you can. Sure hopes this helps you with you're lady friend and all." Walking into a small, nameless town, Ryoga grinned to himself, but he managed to keep the laughter down to a low chuckle. Mothers still drew their children away from him, and men stepped out of his way, but no- one was actively running away, and that was good enough. It was three days ago that the miner had given him the scroll. For some amazing reason, the attack seemed to come so easily to him that Ryoga knew he would be able to defeat Ranma this time. All he needed to do was concentrate on his feelings, just like the instructions said. After a cave in, when you are trapped and the air is running out, you feel frightened and depressed. Concentrate on those feelings then learn how to free them. For a man plagued by the thrice- accursed Saotome Ranma, concentrating on feelings of depression came easily. Ryoga had been completely delighted when he had first released his attack, it was not as strong as the scroll described, but it would certainly do against someone as weak as Ranma. With the force of a bullet, Ryoga had been able to channel his depression into a weapon. He named the attack the Shi Shi Hokodan or Roaring Lion Bullet, and now he was going to destroy Ranma with it. A brief stop in the post office was all Ryoga needed before he set out for Tokyo. Two days walk, at most. Just two days until he could have Ranma within his grasp. This time, he would emerge victorious. He would be the one to finally he able to walk up to Akane and take her in his arms. He would be able to hold her, and finally admit his love. Then, slowly, as she looked up at him with adoration in her eyes, Ryoga would lower his face to her perfect lips and... A sharp blow to the head from behind brought Ryoga's attention back to the present. Grinning sheepishly, he apologised to the postmaster for just crushing one of his post boxes. That silly box should not have been where he was walking anyway. Giving the postmaster the letter that he had written this morning, Ryoga grinned yet again. His challenge for Ranma was sent now. In two days time, he would meet Ranma, and then Ranma would meet his maker. There was nothing Ranma could do to possibly resist his new attack. Ryoga would crush him like an insect. A quick check of his map showed that Ryoga needed to head south to Tokyo. Squinting against the glare of the setting sun, Ryoga boosted his energy with the lovely thought of Ranma's corpse falling limply from his hands as he laughed and laughed and laughed. The villagers gave wide berth to the insanely laughing man. Something about him suggested great danger. * * * "What was so important that we had to skip lunch to come here?" The person queried made no attempt to answer verbally. "Oh, I see. Let me check that again... Mmmmm." With her back against a stack of gymnastic mats, Michiru held tightly to her friend and playfully fought with her tongue as she ran her hands through the short blonde hair in her grasp. Opening her eyes briefly, Michiru found herself staring straight back into a set of green eyes that were inflamed with passion. Less than an inch from her own, Michiru was almost startled by the intensity that they held. Breaking for breath, Michiru pulled the blonde next to her and gently nibbled on an ear as she spoke softly. "You looked so serious. Is there something the matter?" Haruka looked down at her smaller friend and smiled. Michiru might have been shorter than Haruka, but she was by no means small herself. Perhaps that was one of the reasons that Haruka was so often mistaken for a boy. With a short, boyish haircut and her naturally tall, lean frame, Haruka could easily pass herself off as an effeminate looking boy, especially at a distance. The fact that she normally chose to wear a boy's school uniform or men's clothes only aided the image. It was by no means a deliberate attempt to deceive people. Many saw through it immediately, and just assumed that Haruka's appearance was a fashion statement. Others leapt to the assumption that she wished she was a boy, or perhaps she thought she was one. This led them to believe that Haruka preferred to dress and act like one. That was not quite the truth, as Haruka was quite sure she was a woman, and entirely glad of the fact, she just felt more comfortable dressed that way. Then there were people like Michiru... But that was hardly true, there was no-one like Michiru. Michiru was special in every way, and defined her existence in some inexplicable manner that made her unlike everyone else, while allowing her to blend in at the same time. Haruka slid her long fingers through the light green locks of hair that cascaded down Michiru's shoulder and lowered her mouth for another kiss. "Nothing is the matter so long as you are with me." Playfully, Michiru accepted the bait that was dangling so obviously. "And if I'm not with you?" "Well, then, I guess I'll just have to find someone else... Kotomi in 3-C is pretty cute. And you know I'm a sucker for girls with green hair." "Oh, really? I'll have to find that out for myself." Interlacing her hands behind Haruka's back, Michiru held her close. "But I thought you preferred blondes..." "Humph. The day I prefer blondes is the day you dye your hair. It's the eyes, I think. You just have the most beautiful eyes." "And you say the sappiest things some times. I thought I was supposed to be the artist, poetic one." Haruka grinned. "I won't tell if you won't." "Only so long as you give me something not to tell about. Owww! You cheeky devil!" "Shhh. Not so loud. Besides, it was only a little pinch." Releasing her hands from behind Haruka, Michiru let the taller girl lean back against the stack of gymnastic mats too. They had only been dating for a short while, and it had never really been an official sort of thing. They just seemed to find each other the perfect fit, the right companion at any time of the day. Despite the recent developments in their relationship, the two had known each other for several years, and Michiru could read the faint tenseness in Haruka's face that most people would have missed. "There is something worrying you, isn’t there? It's not me, but something's worrying you. What is it? You'll feel better when you have it all out." Haruka squeezed her friend's hand and looked at the ground for a several long moments before speaking again. "I don't know what it is. All day I've had this horrible feeling that something was going to go wrong. You know how it is when you forget your keys or something? You wander around all day, trying to figure out what is missing, but it only dawns on you when you get home." Michiru nodded silently and let Haruka continue. "It's like that, only... More. I'm not sure what I mean. It's like all day long, I've been waiting for someone to say: 'Hey guess what today is?' Or even: 'Wake up, Haruka. It's all a dream.'" Rubbing Haruka's hand between her own, Michiru delicately sought the correct words. "I know you're not worried about the test today. You're never worried about them." Ignoring Haruka's snort of derision, Michiru continued. "I think I know what you're feeling. Ever since I woke up, I've been thinking that something important was going to happen today. Or... Or more like it was going to happen yesterday, and I've already missed it." "That's it! That's it exactly. There's all this big wait, but it's already happened." The girl with flowing river-green hair frowned. "But if it's happened, why are we waiting?" "Hey! Don't frown, you put lines on that pretty face!" "Oh, and I suppose you think you could provide a distraction?" "I could _try_... That is, if you really wanted me to..." Lunch passed far to quickly. By that night, neither of them had discovered what it was they were waiting for, nor had they found any clues to a momentous event that had passed them by. A week and more would pass in conventional bliss, but noting would come of their feelings. * * * "Hello, Ranma-kun, Akane-chan. How was you're day at school?" "Good thanks, Kasumi." Akane scowled at the man everyone insisted was her fiance. "Well, other than having to be around this idiot all day, mine was just fine." Watching Akane stomp off to her room so that she could get changed, Ranma settled himself against a wall and watched Kasumi for a moment. She was tidying again, and it made Ranma worry that tidying and cleaning was all she did, even when he was not around during the day. "How was your day, Kasumi?" "My day was very nice thank you, Ranma-kun. We had several lovely little birds come and visit the Koi pond today. They really seem so happy. I think it must be because you and your father keep stirring up all the little worms for them when you fall in." Watching Kasumi's beatific smile, Ranma nodded nervously. Did anyone else ever pay that much attention to the birds and things, or was it just his someday sister-in-law? Not that he would want to marry Akane or anything at all like that. It was just... "We got another letter today from one of your little friends. It's so nice how Ryoga-kun tries to stay in touch when he goes training." Taking the letter, Ranma smiled at the eldest Tendo daughter. It was hard to do anything else in her presence. She was just too kind. Almost like the mother that he never had. "Kasumi, Ryoga gets lost. It's not like he means to go somewhere." "But he still finds time to send his friends mail. That's so sweet." With a deadpan voice, Ranma hated to burst her bubble, but he felt she deserved to know the truth. "It's a death threat. He says he's going to be here tomorrow and he's coming to kill me." Kasumi's eyes sparkled as she hid a small laugh with her hand. "Oh, that Ryoga. He's always so funny." Ranma might have been going to say something else, but his father chose that moment to come into the room. Ripping the letter out of Ranma's hand, he stared down at it for a few moments before thumping Ranma over the head with one meaty hand. "Boy, you are a disgrace! A personal challenge is the deepest commitment! You should be training, striving to better yourself. While Ryoga has been off forging his body on the road as Tendo and I once did, you've been lazing around the house. You've gotten soft, Boy!" "Gotten soft? What's all this then?" Ranma attempted to poke his father in his stomach. While it was a considerable target, the elder Saotome skipped back out of range and waved the letter at Ranma. "Boy, you should learn to respect what your father teaches you. Why, the only thing that's more important to a martial artist honour than a challenge is obeying his parents and marrying Akane. If you---" When Ranma kicked his father into the pond, he idly wondered whether Kasumi was right. They certainly did stir up the dirt in the pond, and they were always digging divots out of the grass. Maybe the birds did like them, but he would have bet all his savings that the Koi hated them with a vengeance. "You were about to say somethin', Old Man?" The dripping panda held up a sign, but Ranma had already turned around and missed it. At the sound of footsteps, he looked back inside to see Akane walking down the stairs. Sometimes he wondered why she bothered to get changed after school. The school uniform was a long dress, covering a white blouse. Well, now she seemed to have changed into a reddish-pink dress of almost exactly the same design. Just to really stand out, rather than wearing the white blouse, it was a yellow one. Yellow socks too, he noted absently. Well, even if it did look good on her, no-one would ever accuse a tomboy of having clothing sense. "Hey, Akane! Did the school just change its colours or what?" A serving tray in his face was the only reply that she deigned to give. By the time he had prized the tray away so that he could see again, Akane was already strapping on her shoes. As he dropped the tray on the table again and wandered over to stand behind her, Ranma idly noted that she was not wearing the green jumper that she favoured with this combination. That must mean she was only going out for a little while. Nothing to worry about then. "So wotcha doin' tomboy?" Without even looking, Akane swept her right arm backwards to where she knew he was standing. Growling in frustration at the ease that he jumped her strike, she continued avoid looking at him and buckled the strap on her second shoe. "If you really must know, I'm going out to shopping for a while. It's Yuka's birthday next week, and unlike some people, I actually care enough about others to remember these sorts of things and get them a present." 'I wonder if she knows my birthday', Ranma thought as he watched her stand up and look around. 'I know hers. Already got my money saved up and everything. Know exactly what I'm gunna get her this time. 'Course she needs a beauty treatment more than she needs what I've got planned, but hey, not everyone can look as good as I do.' "You ain't goin' too far are you? You know they still got problems with demons and stuff." "Right, Ranma. That happens, what, once a week or something? Besides, everyone knows all you've got to do is run for a while and the Senshi will get it. It's not like I'm stupid enough to try and take one on or something." "Hey, are you saying I'm dumb enough to try? Not that I'd loose or nothin', I just got better things to do with my time, is all." A sign caught Ranma unawares and knocked him to the ground. Spinning it around, the panda looming in the entry way let Akane read what it said. Looking from the supine Ranma to the smiling bear, she kept her face neutral. "You're taking Ranma away for training?" "" The panda spun the sign again. "" "Whaddya mean, 'catch up'?" "" "See what, you stupid old bear?" While he was busy yelling at his father and trying to read the next sign, Genma was using the opportunity to catch him with a surprise hit to the back of the head. With Ranma unconscious at his feet, the huge furry form bowed to Akane and presented another sign. "" Then: "" Watching the panda drag its unconscious son through the house, Tendo Soun could not help but comment on the matter. "Saotome-kun. Would it not have been wiser to allow Ranma to escort Akane as she went shopping? You know what girls like for presents, jewellery, things like that. Perhaps Ranma might have been spurred to buy her an engagement ring if he saw the right one while waiting for her in the store." Nodding its head, the panda growled something briefly. Thanking Kasumi again as a human, he pushed his glasses back onto his nose and let some of the hot water drain off. "True, true, Tendo-kun. But just remember this:" Genma struck a pose and pointed at his son. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder!" Sitting down again, Genma casually leaned an elbow on his son's head as he spoke. "While I am sure that my ungrateful son loves your daughter and is just waiting for the right moment to marry her, I think this will help them along. "Think of it. A week apart. I will work on Ranma's training, and the whole time the two of them will be apart. After a week without seeing her loving smile or feeling Akane's tender touch, the boy will be begging to return home. Why, I bet that by the time he is back, Ranma will be tearing his hair out that he was ever separated from her." There was a sudden motion, and Ranma appeared in front of the two men with both of the Saotome's backpacks already full. "A week without that tomboy? You got yourself a deal! Let's go training, Pop." Slightly taken aback by the new enthusiasm, Genma paled on his brilliant plan. Something that Ranma liked obviously must have holes in it. "Wait! Wait! I've just remembered! What about Ryoga! We should stay here and train!" "Ha! You can't get out of it that easily, Old Man! Ryoga ain't gunna be here for a week at least. Come on! We're goin'!" Dragging his now reluctant father, Ranma marched out of the house. Akane could take care of herself easily enough. No matter how tough the demons were that sometimes came around, they were pretty rare. The chances of one of them showing up was pretty slim. Besides, a tomboy with legs as thick and covered in muscle as her should have no problems running away from one. A week with Akane or any other fiancees? It would be paradise, even if he did have his old man along. * * * Setsuna screamed in agony. More precisely: Sailor Pluto screamed in agony. The agony that only a Guardian Of Time could possibly know. Clutching her aching head in pain, Sailor Pluto staggered back to her feet and braced herself with the time staff. She had not even realised she had fallen down until she needed to get up, the pain had been so great. Something had gone wrong. Something had gone fundamentally wrong in time. The pain that had been caused when the Dark Moon Family had inserted themselves into history had been bad enough, but that was the sort of paradox that the guardian of the Gates Of Time was there to protect against. She had used all of her power and limited their invasion to a time when the Sailor Senshi existed and were available to fight them. She had also managed to shut down almost all of their access to the time stream. Only by expending huge amounts of dark energy could Dark Moon Family travel through time at all. But they were, and it was hurting Sailor Pluto badly. Something this strong... something like this meant that they had not only crossed time when they should not, they were violating the very laws of causality. Looking through the Gates Of Time, Sailor Pluto shuddered. Violating causality? They were ripping the very concept to shreds! Causality required that cause preceded effect. That was normally a pretty easy thing to do; drop a rock off a cliff and it falls. Tell someone that their loved ones were in danger, and they go to try and help. But... what if they could travel in time? They would arrive before there ever was a danger, they would never have needed to go back and save their friends. Paradox. When Prince Diamond had returned to the past, he had not returned with the usual linear increase, he had left before anyone arrived to tell him to leave. Prince Diamond, Black Lady and the Wiseman had all returned to a time over a week before the Senshi and Small Lady had gone to the future. That was the agony she had felt. A wave of paradox had rippled out of the Gates and struck everything within the time stream. When Emerald - one of Prince Diamond's loyal but evil servants - had returned to the future, she had returned as a failure. It had been her mission to open nexuses in Sailor Moon's present that would allow dark energy from Nemesis to be sent through. Nemesis was the giant asteroid that the Dark Moon family had been exiled to by Neo-Queen Serenity, and it was their base as they attempted to usurp the queen's power. Prince Diamond's plan was simple and elegant. All the best plans involving time travel were simple, things were confusing enough as they were. By going back in time to Sailor Moon's present, they planned to bring dark energy from Nemesis in the future to Tokyo in the past. Once they had gathered enough dark energy at their chosen time, the Dark Moon family would have been able to run rampant over Sailor Pluto's protection of the time stream. When that happened, Prince Diamond would reign supreme. With Pluto's power broken by the masses of dark energy in twentieth century Tokyo, Prince Diamond had intended to bring Nemesis to Earth in that era. With the mighty power that he possessed, he would have been able to prevent Sailor Moon from ever being able to found Crystal Tokyo. The future that Sailor Pluto was striving to protect would have been destroyed without ever having existed. The hard work of Sailor Moon and her Senshi had been all that had stopped the first two attempts of Prince Diamond's people. First Rubius, then Emerald had been defeated. Rubius had died, but Emerald had returned to the future to let Diamond know the details of her defeat. Fearing that Chibi-Usa's mother, Sailor Moon herself in the future, was in grave danger, all of the Inner Senshi had followed Emerald to the future. All of this unwarranted time travel had brought untold pain to the Guardian of Time, as she strove to help the time stream stay whole and undamaged. Normally there would be no problem, especially since Emerald had died not long after her return to the future. Unfortunately, Prince Diamond and his retinue had decided to make another trip. It was that third fateful trip backwards that caused the damage. In the time that Prince Diamond was travelling to, Emerald had only just arrived. She was still alive, and had hardly even begun her reign of terror within Tokyo. By returning to the time when she was alive, Prince Diamond would be able to lend her his greater power and greater intelligence. Now the possibility existed that she would not fail. Further, from Prince Diamond's point of view, he would have seen her dead, and now she would be alive again. Such a catastrophe would endanger the entire process of time. The very sequence of cause and effect was endangered. When this happened, ripples of paradox would appear within the time stream. Normally these were tiny eddies, unnoticed by anyone as people's wishes or strange events modified time slightly. An event of this magnitude would cause paradox ripples that would change reality spontaneously. From her position outside of time, Sailor Pluto would be in the perfect position to witness these changes... She was also in the perfect position to be struck by the immeasurable energy that these paradox waves represented. Feeling her strength returning after the impact of that first wave, Sailor Pluto raised her time staff. She might not be able to fix what was damaged, but she could prevent any further travel to this period... at least for a while. The time stream needed to heal itself. As she was about to insert her staff into the time stream and seal the corridor of time, her blood ran cold. There, moving through time, were the Inner Senshi. Her Queen, her friends, the only reason she had stood vigil on this accursed Gate for thousands of years. If she sealed the time stream now, they would be lost forever. Small Lady would never come into existence; the Dark Moon Family would never have come into existence. This whole chain of events would unravel, and centuries of the time stream would collapse in a paradox. Her momentary hesitation allowed the Senshi to drop out of the time stream and back into 'reality'. Even as they vanished from her sight, there was a bright, brief flash. "NO!" The Senshi had gone to the wrong time! They had followed Prince Diamond! Back into their own past, Days before they left, in a time before they even knew they could travel to the future. Scrambling backwards from the Time Gate, she tried to shut the massive doors, but already she could see it was too late. The damage had been done. Out in the time stream a ripple had formed, like dropping a pebbling into water, but the time stream was no ordinary water. As the first small wave washed over her, Sailor Pluto was thrown back from the Gate by the impact. Temporal energies blasted through the Time Gate like a blast furnace, ripping and tearing at the fragile reality she lived in. In her position as Guardian Of Time, Sailor Pluto was intimately linked to the time stream. She could feel it as no other living soul could. When the first minor ripple of the paradox rolled over her, her mind exploded in agony, and her stomach clenched in nausea. After writhing on the floor for several minutes - subjectively - Sailor Pluto tried to come to grips with what had happened. A glance showed her that this was the first of many paradox ripples, and they were getting bigger. Already she could see damage occurring to the timeline. The duplicate Senshi had vanished, leaving only those that had been time travelling. She had almost located another eddy that was beginning to form when the next wave of paradox washed over her. She opened her eyes. She had no idea how long she had been out, but she needed to see when the next wave would hit. Rolling to her hands and knees, Sailor Pluto's stomach revolted, and she lost the struggle to maintain both her dignity and her lunch. Judging by the blood staining the floor now, she would not survive a larger wave. Crawling over to the Gate, she looked into the stream at where the eddy had solidified. No! They could not start yet! The Inner Senshi could not handle that sort of enemy as they were, let alone face the Dark Moon Family and the Death Busters both at the same time. It would take months of preparation and training for the young girls to master the powers that they would need to be able to battle Mistress 9's team of Witches and the Daimons that they controlled. Sailor Pluto was the Guardian Of Time. It was her job to prevent these sorts of things. She had tried, the Kami knows she had tried, but she had failed. The best she could do now was descend into the right time and try to repair the damage. As the next wave was about to crash over the Gate Of Time, Sailor Pluto knew there was not enough time to do her job properly. All she could do was her best, and hope it was enough. In the one movement, Sailor Pluto exerted her full power. Maybe... just maybe, she saved the world. As the image of the oldest Senshi faded from the no-space between time, the wave crashed over her. Amidst the indescribable agony and body wrenching power, Sailor Pluto sent the summoning order to the Outer Senshi. Perhaps, even without her training and guidance, they would make the difference needed in this world gone mad. As she left, Sailor Pluto also sealed the Gates. That would stop anyone entering from here, and the chaos in the time stream would lock them out there. There would be no return for Prince Diamond in the near future. Exerting what little power was left in her dying body, Sailor Pluto acted as oil on water to the time stream. One week backwards, that was all that was needed. If she could provide the help the Senshi would so desperately need... Perhaps she could limit the damage to what had already occurred... * * * Kaiou Michiru was playing the piano, thinking of the recital she had coming up in two weeks. Today at school she and Haruka had both felt the strangest feelings of deja-vu and premonition. It was as though they were waiting for something, but it was not the first time they were waiting. She was midway through a phrase when the summon call to the Outer Senshi hit her like a lightning bolt from a clear sky. A small portion of ancient memories had flooded her system when they cut off like a projector out of film. Gasping in shock, she held her head. She knew things... many things... terrible things from history. A history of a Kingdom that was burned to the ground by invasion. She also knew that the Earth was in danger again. That was all she knew. There was a threat out there, and she was needed. So was Sailor Uranus. Who was Sailor Uranus? All her battered memory could return was an image of love and friendship. Sailor Uranus was someone she had known before. Someone she loved. But... who? A violent crashing sound from the next room and brought her attention back to the present. Running across the expensive wooden flooring, Michiru ran to the door then cautiously put her head around the corner. There was a tall woman lying on the floor. If Michiru's first guess was right, she must have fallen out of mid-air and landed on the side table, smashing it, and the expensive vase and flowers on it. But that was impossible... wasn't it? Cautiously walking over to the motionless woman Michiru studied her. She had very long green hair, and a mature face of indeterminate age. Her eyes were closed, her breathing shallow and she seemed to be unconscious. As Michiru took in the hideous burns down the right hand side of the stranger's body, and the way blood still trickled from her ears and the corner of her mouth, she thought that perhaps unconsciousness was a blessing. Michiru had almost dialled an ambulance for the strange woman when her new memories brought her to a stop. Sailor Pluto: Guardian Of Time. This was one woman who she could not afford to place in the hands of the normal hospital system. By the time Michiru had placed the woman in a bed upstairs and was tending her wounds, some of her memories were beginning to sort themselves out. This was Sailor Pluto, and she was Sailor Neptune. Somewhere out there was Sailor Uranus, her closest friend and partner. When next they met as Senshi, Michiru would be able to identify her. Blue skirt and yellow bow. She would have two allies when Sailor Pluto recovered. Michiru held her aching head and tried to remember some more details. She must know Sailor Uranus. Everything could depend on it. After a time, she gave up, shaking her head disconsolately. Relaxing on the stool near Pluto for a few moments, Michiru brought the image of Sailor Uranus into her mind and held tightly to all of the warm feelings that went with it. She loved her. She could not remember who Sailor Uranus was, but she knew that she loved her. When she had started dating Tenou Haruka a few months ago, Michiru had not really thought of herself as a lesbian. It was just Haruka, she told herself. Haruka was just so perfect, anyone would love her. She was not really a lesbian; the only girl she loved was Haruka. Now that she had received some of her memories from when she was Sailor Neptune, Michiru wondered about her assertions. Smiling slightly, Michiru calmly decided that if being a lesbian meant that she found someone with whom she shared such a great love, there was no problem at all. Both Sailors Neptune and Uranus were women, there was no doubt about that. Michiru was entirely willing to admit that she was Sailor Neptune, the memories in her head refused to allow her to believe otherwise. Fighting down a momentary fear, Michiru sincerely hoped that whoever Sailor Uranus was, also received sufficient memories. When they met - Michiru was sure that she and Uranus would meet all too soon - she knew that she might be able to last for all of ten seconds before she fell in love with Sailor Uranus all over again. There was simply something undeniably attractive about the blonde warrior that drew Michiru to her. It pained her to this what the arrival of Sailor Uranus would do to her relationship with Haruka. Admittedly, both targets of her affection were tall blondes, but the chances of them being the same person were almost nil. Michiru had been alive long enough to realise that some things seemed to happen by luck, but others are fated. The thought of her current love being the same person as she knew she would come to love in the approaching months was more of a coincidence that she thought that she could accept. It would hurt Haruka dreadfully when they broke up. That in turn would hurt Michiru, but there was nothing that she could do about it. She knew in her heart that her love of Uranus was destined. It was written in the stars, set in the very planets that powered the two magical girl defenders. She knew that she would love the other Senshi, and there was nothing that could stop it. Nothing could keep them apart, not distance, not hardship, not even war or destruction... If she was really lucky, she would never see Sailor Saturn. From what little her memories contained, the girl was the Senshi Of Destruction. She was the one who held the Silence, the power to end the world. Alone, she could undo any good that the rest of the Sailors combined could do. All weapon, all business, and no compassion. That was all she could remember of the Senshi Of Destruction. She might be wrong, but against that sort of risk, there could be no middle ground. Sailor Saturn was either on Saturn, still asleep or a threat. With unknown enemies teeming around them, they could ill afford the vigil necessary to ensure that Saturn kept her peace. Stopping part way through the job of cleaning Pluto's wounds, Michiru paused with an intake of breath. She knew who their enemies must be, and she only hoped that Sailor Uranus would come to the same conclusions. For the last few weeks, demons of some sort had ranged unchecked through Tokyo, killing on a whim. The papers claimed that they were lead by a woman of incredible power calling herself Kaolinite. The next time Kaolinite decided to attack people, she would have a surprise in store. * * * Ranma followed Akane into the house and watched as she walked up the stairs ahead of him. Her strength and training seemed to give her that extra spring in her step as she walked. Standing at the bottom of the stairs, he admired the way that her calves looked so firm and trim, not like some of the other girls at school, who seemed to be about as thin as his father. Ranma shuddered at the thought. "Good idea, Akane. Better change into somethin' more nicer or you'll never get a husband. Somethin' like a robe and a veil. Don' wanna scare 'em off too quick, do ya?" The slamming of her door was the only answer he got, so he turned around and grinned. He had to remind her every now and again how things were, otherwise she might start to think he liked her. Ranma snorted. Him, like a tomboy? Not much chance of that happening. "So Kasumi... What's up?" Kasumi smiled, and Ranma could have almost sworn that he heard little birds start chirping in the background. "Just a little cooking and cleaning. Oh, your little friend Ryoga-kun sent you a letter today." "Kasumi, Ryoga's not exactly my friend. You know he's always trying to kill me an' stuff." Impossibly, Kasumi smiled even more. "Isn't it nice? You two are always playing around. Such good friends!" Ranma waited a few moments for Kasumi to give him the letter, but she seemed to be concentrating on cleaning the tatami mats in the main dining room. Hating to interrupt her since she was the one that seemed to do all the work here, Ranma coughed slightly. "Oh, yes, Ranma-kun? Are you after a snack? I could make something for you if you like." "Nah, I was just wonderin' if you had the letter..." "Oh dear, I'm sorry. Your father took it already. I think he was saying something earlier to Father about a training trip for you." Kasumi was so distraught by her perceived faux par that her smile dimmed down to a level associated with normal humans. Turning to search for his father, Ranma was greeted by the weight of a full pack slamming into his chest. Acting on reflex, he caught it, and managed to stop himself from stumbling into Kasumi. "Sloppy, Boy, very sloppy." "Aww, shut up, Old Man." "This..." Genma flourished a piece of paper. "This is a letter of challenge. A man to man duel. For the honour of the Saotome school of Anything Goes Martial Arts you must accept this challenge and defeat your opponent!" Holding his pack in one hand, Ranma tried to snatch his unread mail back, but Genma moved with a speed defying his bulk. "Wait, Boy! The chances of you beating anyone at the moment is about as slim as---" "As you are?" Ranma supplied helpfully. Pushing his glasses back on his face, Genma looked as serious as possible. "Ranma, it saddens you father to see how slack you have become in your training. So... For the next week, you and I shall train in the mountains. Only when we return will you be ready to defeat Ryoga and his new, secret technique!" "He's got a new secret technique?" "Indeed he has." Genma angled his head to catch the afternoon sun off his glasses and looked serious. "A technique known for its unstoppable power. A technique so strong, that few are capable of mastering it, and fewer still are capable of teaching it. Only one such as I has---" "You don't know what it is, do you?" "I... Shut up, Boy! Put your shoes on! We leave immediately." "So, we gunna go downtown and see if we can fight a demon?" "Don't be stupid boy! I said this was training. You're nowhere near ready to take on something like that. Of course, I could handle three or four of them, but you still have much to go before you..." Kasumi watched as Ranma walked out the front door with his father and smiled, again. Those two, they always had such fun together. At least this little trip would give the fish a chance to rest. She knew that they must get very tired having to dodge every time Ranma or his father fell into the Koi pond. At least the little birds seemed to enjoy the extra turning the grass and pond received. Speaking of fathers, Kasumi was so proud of the way that Saotome-san was willing to take his son training. She had heard him and Father discussing it after they read Ranma's letter. Genma was so willing to help his son be happy with her little sister that he was willing to go without Kasumi's dinners for a week. Of course, Saotome-san did not know that Kasumi was planning Sukiyaki tonight, but she was sure that he would have been willing to take Ranma away no matter what was on the menu. Saotome-san was good like that. Coming down the stairs, Akane straightened her dress and checked herself again. It was her nice red-pink dress, the one that went so well with the yellow shirt and socks. She knew that Ranma liked it, because he always teased her more when she wore it. Of course, to tease her about it, he had to keep looking at her. Casting her eyes around the room, Akane tried to find her fiance. Not that she cared what he thought, she just wanted to know where he was so she could hit him when he said something stupid. "Hey, Kasumi! Where's the idiot?" "Akane-chan! That's no way to talk about Saotome-san, he's our guest!" "Err, I didn’t actually mean Ranma's dad, I meant Ranma." "Oh, I'm afraid that you've missed both of them. They just went out to do some training for a while." Akane bit her lip. This was bad. She had been hoping that she could have convinced Ranma to go shopping with her. True, she was a martial artist and could take care of herself, but sometimes it's nice to have someone along with you. Even if they are an idiot that can’t say a single nice thing. With her brows drawing together in anger over the remarks that she knew Ranma would have made if he had been here, Akane staked across the room to the front door. "Well, I'm going out for a little while, Kasumi. I'll be back for dinner." Naturally, Kasumi smiled, nodded and told her to be careful. She even asked if Akane wanted her fetch a jumper, but Akane declined, stating that she would not be out long enough to need it. Going shopping was a bit of a necessity at the moment, no matter how much parts of her quailed at the idea. She was going to Yuka's birthday in a couple of weeks, and she needed to get a present. There was nothing wrong with the shopping itself, but the idea of going out in the evening did set Akane's teeth on edge slightly. Evening was when the demons were most common, and she knew that things were pretty bad at the moment. Several people had died last night, and the news said that retail figures were going to be down this month because of the impact that it was having. Akane remembered how it had been just a few months ago. Back then, demons were a rarity, and you knew that you could count on the Sailor Senshi to help you. These days that did not always seem to hold true. If you got caught in the same area as a demon, you seemed to be in just as much danger from the Senshi as the demon. She was not sure that she liked the turn of events, but with as many as three attacks occurring in a single night, Akane was unsure what the Senshi could do. Firmly buckling her shoes, Akane stood and glowered at the front door for a moment. The chances of meeting either demon or Senshi was pretty small. Even if she did meet them, she was a martial artist and she could take care of herself. There was no way that some stupid demon or some stupid girls in short skirts were going to keep her from getting Yuka's present. With that resolve firmly in mind, Akane called out a goodbye to her sister and father and set off. All she would need was an hour or so. * * * She was in the car. Her seatbelt was on, keys in the ignition and petrol in the tank. Everything was in place, and by rights, Haruka should have been hurtling down the road at an unreasonably high speed. But she wasn't, she was simply sitting there. Slamming the steering wheel in frustration, Haruka's palms echoed off the soft, absorbent leather. Any other day she would have been down the road without a second thought. Today was the first day that she had been willing to get into a car, let alone try and start it. Everyone has an accident at some time in their life, but for Haruka, the near- accident two days ago was a crushing blow to her pride. It had all been her fault. She had been cruising along, weaving between the traffic, enjoying the feeling of the wind whipping through her hair. Always a confident driver, Haruka cut safety margins to a minimum and below. She had been changing lanes, just scant inches behind a blue Mercedes when something had happened to her. Something that had never happened in her entire seventeen years. She lost control. Without warning, she had been assailed by a storm of sights and sounds, drowning out everything in the present. Wracked by the pain, her hands had instinctively reached for her head. Tragedy had been milliseconds away when the blast from a horn behind her brought her back to the present. Her sight had been overlain with images of paradise and war, and the sounds of traffic only just made it past the orchestra overlaying the blasts of cannons. Reeling in disorientation, Haruka fought the steering wheel. No longer her friend and an integral part of her body, the car seemed a stranger, other cars on the road were enemies to be avoided at all costs. Sweating from the effort of ignoring the onslaught of memories, her convertible began to shudder as her hands worked the wheel by instinct. Unsure whether it was a triple headed demon in her rear mirror or a red Commodore, she did not care. It was approaching too fast for comfort. Popping the clutch and nailing the accelerator, Haruka wrenched the wheel to the left. Past the Mercedes, and confident that it was not really an illusionary demon behind her, she dropped the car back into first and slammed her foot on the brake as she was overwhelmed by the vision of her lover dying in a fountain of blood. By the time she was able to open her eyes again, she was shaking like a leaf and less than two centimetres from a concrete barricade. Pedestrians passing by had looked at her strangely, but not as strangely as she examined herself. That had been two days ago, and this was the first time that she had even sat in a car since them. She had even called a tow truck to take the miraculously unscathed car home. Since then she had been tempted to visit a doctor and check for food poisoning or some sort of drug, but two things stopped her. The first was her memories. She remembered things; horrible things. A kingdom so beautiful and perfect it wrenched her deep inside with the thought that she might never see it again. A kingdom destroyed by fighting; fighting monsters and people with so little humanity in them that only their appearance differed from the monsters that stalked the once perfect streets. Monsters like those roaming Tokyo on an alarmingly regular basis. The only other thing that really stopped her from calling a doctor was her powers. She might have doubted the visions; she might have refused to believe the memories that seemed so strong and clear she knew she must have been there. There was no way that she could doubt her powers. While walking home in the evening light on the night of her narrowly avoided accident, Haruka had sensed an evil. That was the only way that she could describe it. Something that was simply wrong, at odds with the rest of the world, a blot in need of cleaning. If she had been sane, she knew she would have run away immediately. Tokyo's streets were no longer safe at night. But while she had run, it was not away from this evil aura, but towards its source. Running along for reasons she still could not understand, she had held up a stick she had never seen before and said words that she had never heard. "Uranus Planet Power! Make Up!" She was Sailor Uranus, that was clear, but what was a Sailor Uranus? Even after ineffectually fighting a monster until it ran, she still had no notion who or what she was. Even now, two days after that attack, she still had no idea. She was sitting in her own car, frightened to drive, because she was worried that at any moment she might black out again. Worse, this time she might kill someone, not just scare the daylights out of them. Haruka had her fingers on the keys when she felt something. There it was again! It was one of them... a monster, a demon, a spirit of some sort, she had no idea. All she knew was that she might be the only one in Tokyo who could stop it. Uncertain why she was trying to stop it other than it was her duty, Haruka jumped out of her car and again held aloft the small stick that seemed to come from nowhere and disappear back there as soon as it was used. Pounding down the concrete at speeds that would have put an Olympic sprinter to shame, Sailor Uranus moved her head back and forwards, trying to locate the source of the aura she was tracking. Blue ankle boots with low heels would not have been her first choice of running shoes, but they certainly seemed to be giving her no problems. It must have been magic not practice, because she was sure that she never tended to wear heels of her own violition. Going past a corner, she slid to a stop, skidding across the ground a good ten meters as she slowed. With one leg still extended, she crouched on the other to retain her balance while stopping. The whole while she looked around, something as simple as balance no longer an issue. There! It was close! Just past the wooden fence at the end of the street. Advancing a couple of dozen paces, Sailor Uranus brought her hands together. The first time she did this, it caught her by surprise more than it did her opponent. This time she was ready, and whatever she was attacking should have no idea that it was about to be hurt. "WORLD SHAKING!" Sizzling away from her hands, the yellow magic was true to it's name. A miniature earthquake tore down the street, shattering the wooden fence. A gout of purple blood also flew into the air, making the Senshi grin as she closed the distance. She could not see the creature through the dust cloud, but she knew that it was still around. She could hear twin screams of pain which meant that the creature was moving away. Searching through the smoke, she hesitate a moment. Two screams? But there was only one monster! Something shifted softly under her boot, causing Uranus to look down. Body, unconscious, one; she catalogued it subconsciously. Further investigation tagged it as male, 22-28, and non-combatant. The screaming was definitely coming from: female, conscious, screaming, 20-25, non-combatant in yellow dress. The screaming was due to the fact that her left arm was missing from the elbow down. Sailor Uranus shivered slightly. She did not know what disturbed her the most, the suspicion that she might have hurt the woman, that she had not been squeamish at the sight of the blood and bone, or her general lack of emotion. She felt... distant. There was a job to do, and she was the only one that could do it. Until that demon was dead, Sailor Uranus was the only person to defend Tokyo. She had to find that demon! A tinkling sound as she began to resume the chase gave Uranus pause. Looking down, her patchy recall immediately supplied the name for the item she had literally stumbled across. It was bright, pink and as shiny as the star that it so resembled. A Heart Crystal, it was the physical embodiment of someone's soul. Just by the feel of it, she knew it must have come from the unconscious man on the ground. If she did not return it soon, he would die. Looking down at the Crystal, Sailor Uranus turned it one way then another. To her trained, magically aided eyes, she could see the emotional impurities in his soul. If a soul was pure, the Crystal would have been just as large, but there would have been more space in it. An ordinary person filled their soul with petty things, but someone that was purely good or evil - someone who's simple attitudes and clear emotions were defined by the Crystal itself - someone like this could actually store something there. It took powerful magic to store something in a Heart Crystal, and you risked killing the person if their soul changed too much, but it could be done. That must have been what the demon was after. It was hunting for something. Hunting for a Heart Crystal that was pure enough to have stored whatever it was after. On the other hand, maybe it just wanted their energy, it did not really matter: she just had to stop them. Turning on her heel, Sailor Uranus pointed herself in the direction that she could still feel the evil. With a jerk, she brought herself up. Sailor Uranus could not believe this was happening. She had no trouble fighting demons or discovering she was suddenly an encyclopaedia about men's souls, but she could not believe that she would leave two people like this. She was even intending to run off still holding the Crystal. Forcing herself to turn back to the man and his wife, Sailor Uranus tried to block the feeling of wasting time. Whispering quietly to herself, Sailor Uranus bent over the man. "I can catch the demon in a moment." "W-What?" The woman was going into shock. Blood loss, not fear, she noted absently. She'll pass out soon. Uranus ignored her and returned the Crystal to the man. He should survive. The woman was looking at her with wide eyes. Blue lips, dilated pupils and shaking hands. Definitely shock. "Does it hurt?" In confusion, the woman slowly focused on the Senshi. "W-What?" "Does your arm hurt?" "M-My arm?" For the first time the woman looked down at the stump of her arm. She must have grabbed it unconsciously to staunch the blood, because she took on a horrified look of amazement. Sailor Uranus smiled. It was good that the shock was still blocking the pain. Uranus had no way to anaesthetise this other than knocking her unconscious, and that would be very dangerous given her blood loss. Uranus pointed behind the woman. "Look over there." As the woman turned, Sailor Uranus grabbed her ruined arm and placed the palm of one white glove over the end of it. Obviously the nerves still worked just fine, because the woman convulsed in pain and began to scream as Sailor Uranus began to channel magical power to cauterise the wound. The smell was terrible, and the pain must have been worse, because the woman was flailing around like a puppet in the hands of an epileptic. Uranus wondered if she would ever get the blood out of her glove. With the wound burnt closed, there was no danger of the woman dying. Her conscience salved and her good deed done for the day, Sailor Uranus raced away from them. The demon had left a clear path through the alleys, so it was no problem to track. Within seconds all thoughts of the wounded civilians had been erased from her head. When she came out onto the street, the demon was battling with another woman dressed almost the same as she was. Rather than Sailor Uranus' blue skirt and ankle boots, this person seemed to have a green motif that matched nicely with her hair. While she powered up her World Shaking, Uranus idly noted that the woman's shoes were actually sandals with long ties holding them to her feet and ankles. The unmistakable similarity in their uniforms must have meant something, but she was not sure what. Releasing her World Shaking, Uranus guided it half way to it's target before making it veer off, avoiding demon and Senshi alike. A shop front exploded, sending books and paper everywhere, but Sailor Uranus did not even see it. Her eyes had locked with that of the other Senshi, and suddenly they both knew. "You're dead... I saw you die..." Sailor Uranus shook herself. Who said that? Herself or Sailor Neptune? The other Senshi had a name now, and worse, she had a history. She was a dead woman, brought back to life to torment Uranus. She was a woman that Uranus had once loved more than life itself, and now she was back. But Haruka already had someone else, and no matter how much she remembered her love for this dead woman, there was no way that she would throw Michiru on the scrap heap for the sake of some dead memories. Of course, if they were both interested... The rest of the world snapped back into focus when Sailor Neptune moved suddenly. "It's getting away! We can talk later!" Side by side they ran down the street. Garbage and shopping bags littered the streets where the civilians had already run, but from the course the demon was taking, it would be back amongst them shortly. At the corner, both of them turned at exactly the same time, keeping step even as they ran at full speed. One more turn, and they were on another main thoroughfare, finally having caught up with the demon. Even their brief moment of hesitation earlier had cost them dearly. The crowd was fairly thin, other than two girls, neither older than twenty. One of them was curled into a little ball, shaking in a doorway. The other was draped over the demon's arm as it extracted her Heart Crystal. "Hit it! It's after those Crystals!" World Shaking and Deep Submerge hit the demon in a pyrotechnic display that knocked it head over heels. It was bleeding lightly from some wounds, but it was still entirely combat worthy. With a lurch, it got back to its feet. First one, then two steps in their direction. Without warning, it turned and looked up at a woman in a short dress standing on a building. Both Senshi looked up at her too, only sensing her power now that she revealed herself. "Daimon, return! I, Witch Kaolinite, command you!" In a shimmer of light, first the Daimon, then Witch vanished. They were too late to hit the Daimon, but they may have been lucky enough to have hit the woman. Certainly the edge of the roof bore sufficient damage to testify to their efforts. At least their enemies had names now. "Sailor Uranus! Are you OK? What about the girl?" "I'm fine," she replied curtly. Must remember Michiru. "There was nothing we could do to save the girl. If we hadn't destroyed the Heart Crystal, that Daimon would have it now." When Sailor Neptune turned to look back at the heavily damaged corpse lying on the road, and the other girl wailing over it, Uranus took the chance to flee. "Wait! Sailor Uranus! I need to talk to you!" Ignoring the voice was difficult. Especially since every fibre in Sailor Uranus' body demanded that she go back and hold onto the woman as tightly as she could. She knew that Sailor Neptune would not be able to find her, especially when she changed back into Tenou Haruka and began to walk home at a normal pace. She had a lot to think about tonight, and the night was only just beginning. She had killed tonight. It was her first time, and she was sure that it would not be her last because no matter how she looked at it, she knew she would make the same decision every time. If it cost one person's life to save the world from the Daimons, she would be willing to make that sacrifice. Even her life or Sailor Neptune's life. Comforted only by the sounds of her footfalls, Haruka gnawed on her thumb, searching for an answer. Would she be willing to sacrifice Michiru's life too? She loved her more than the air she breathed. Could Haruka possibly make a decision that would doom the woman she loved? * * * Kasumi replaced the telephone handset into the cradle and looked around. Her father was disconsolately shuffling pieces around the Go board, unable to play a proper game without Saotome-san. Akane was still out shopping, but she did not think they would be able to wait for her. Walking quietly over to where her father sat, Kasumi composed her face and kneeled down on the wooden porch. When he did not immediately look over at his eldest daughter, Kasumi reached out a hand and covered her father's fingers as he held a wooden tile. "Father?" "Kasumi, my dear. You... you look worried." Trying to hide her fears, Kasumi gave a brief smile and lifted his hand from the board. "Come on, Father. I've just received a call from Nabiki-chan. She... she says she's at the hospital and needs us to come there and pick her up." Tears began to pour down his face. "Oh, my poor little baby! Is she all right, Kasumi? Was she hurt?" Standing up, Kasumi lead her weeping father to the front door and began to put her shoes on. "She didn't talk to me long enough, but from the sound of her voice, I think she might have been in pain. Come on Father, I think I just heard the taxi." The ride to the hospital was quiet and free of conversation. Despite her normally effusive and outgoing nature, Kasumi was too worried about her younger sister to engage in casual banter with the taxi driver. It disturbed her to be so rude as to ignore him, but she could not help but feel something terrible had happened to Nabiki. She was always such a determined girl, if she wanted to have her family come to the hospital, the poor girl must be in a terrible state. Needless to say, the only sound that Soun made was that of his crying. He did not let up a single iota even as he was lead out of the taxi and into the hospital. He numbly watched as Kasumi introduced them to the orderly on duty at the admissions. His constant crying received a few strange looks, but as this was the emergency admissions desk, they were not entirely unused to crying casualties or their often distraught relatives. Kasumi looked around and took her father's elbow to lead him down a corridor. She may not have ever been to this section of the hospital before, but she could read the signs easily enough. Not only that, but the kind orderly had given her nice, clear instructions on how to get to her sister's room. Walking down the stark white walls, Kasumi was struck by how similar it was to when she had come to a hospital when her mother had died. Kasumi often reminded herself that the association of her mother's death and hospitals had nothing to do with why she had not pursued a medical degree. It had just been that her family needed her, that was all, Kasumi reminded herself fiercely. Why, just the time that she had spent reading Dr Tofu's medical books and journals would have qualified her as a nurse if she had time to take the exams. Maybe... maybe once Nabiki was better and Ranma and Akane were settled... Maybe then she could spare some time for herself. Stopping outside the door of a private recovery room, Kasumi paused briefly. If Nabiki was in pain, Kasumi knew that little sister would need a strong shoulder to weep on, someone to comfort her. Despite the way that Nabiki tried to keep her distance, the two sisters remained close, largely because Kasumi would never let anyone she loved drift out of her life. "Are you ready, Father?" Soun sniffled slightly, muttered something about his poor baby girl, and straightened his spine. After just a few moments, Soun looked more like the strong figure from Kasumi's youth than she could remember for a long time. "For... For my little Nabiki-chan, I'm always ready. Please, lead the way, Kasumi." Pushing open the door, Kasumi caught a brief glimpse of Nabiki staring straight ahead, lost to some vision that only she could see. As soon as her father and elder sister entered, Nabiki wiped her face clear with left sleeve of her hospital robe and gave them a brave smile. Before her big sister and father were fully into the room, Nabiki had poured five cups of tea and had placed them on a table beside the bed. The fact that Nabiki had poured the tea left handed had not gone unnoticed by either of the Tendos as they entered the room. The reasoning was quite painfully apparent, in the form of a large white cast that covered Nabiki's right forearm, making any sort of movement difficult, and presumably quite painful. While Kasumi walked to Nabiki's left and took her hand, Soun lost the composure her had briefly maintained. Breaking down in tears, he rushed forward and engulfed his middle daughter in a hug, covering her completely, and causing the girl to release a brief whimper of pain as Soun jogged her plastered arm. "On, Nabiiiiiikiiiii! Ohhhh, My darling little girl! Ohhhhh!" He might have gone on for quite a while, but Nabiki freed her good hand from Kasumi and patted him tenderly on the back, hushing him into silence. When he quietened enough, Nabiki turned to Kasumi, allowing the older sibling to see the pain in her eyes briefly. "Where's Ranma and Saotome-san?" Taking a seat by the bed, Kasumi reclaimed her sister's hand possessively and stroked the short brown hair away from her eyes. "They both went on a training mission this afternoon. I don't think they will be back for a few more days. Akane's also out shopping. We left her a note, but you probably won't get to see her until you get home tonight." Nabiki quickly looked away, but not so fast that Kasumi could not see more tears. She hoped that her father had not bumped her again. "That.. That might be for the best, Kasumi. I'll speak to him later." Suddenly Nabiki's tone brightened. It was suspicious, but Kasumi had little time to think about it as her sister pressed a cup of tea into her hands. "Drink this. Come on, you too, Father. That's it, drink up while I tell you about what happened." Kasumi thought the tea tasted slightly strange, but that might have just been the brand that they used in the hospital. She became even more suspicious when Nabiki dawdled around in small talk for a few moments. She talked of her afternoon, school, Ranma, anything other than how she got hurt. After a few moments - about the time she reached the bottom of her cup - Kasumi was feeling particularly calm, at the same time noticing that her father had stopped crying while her sister had not even touched the tea in her cup. At last, the middle Tendo daughter got to the point in her story. "I knew Akane wasn't home because I bumped into her when I was coming home. She was just heading out to do some shopping, so I thought that I would join her. You know, big sister looking after her and all that. "We went into Ginza for shopping. Did you know that Akane wanted to get a present for her friend's birthday? It was two weeks away, and Akane still wanted to do her shopping now. Damn it! If only she'd waited..." Watching her sister beating on the white bed sheet with her good fist, Kasumi reached forward and patted her arm in a soothing manner. "There, there, Nabiki. It's OK. Maybe you should have some of this tea too." "No, the doctors said that with the pain medication I was on it might..." When Nabiki was a little girl and got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, she looked just the same as she did now. Kasumi gave her a broad smile to show that she understood, and silently gestured with her eyes to their father. Soun had not noticed the calmative in the drink, so there was no need to point it out to him. Clearing her throat, Nabiki tried again. "We were walking along, and suddenly Akane pushes me out of the way. You know how strong she is! I just went straight over and snap, right on someone's doorstep." Soun looked like he was trying to be a fuming tower of anger at Akane's actions, but with the effect of whatever was in the tea, all he could manage was a scowl and a stammer. Clenching her fist and letting tears stream freely down her face, Nabiki looked up at her sister, as though seeking something in her face. "It's not fair Kasumi. I was her big sister. I'm the one that was supposed to look after her! She pushed me out of the way. If... If she hadn't done that, it never would have gotten her! It's my fault! If I wasn't there, she... she..." Revelation seemed to spear through the two visitors. The reason that Nabiki had called them to the hospital was not for her; it was for her sister. Something serious must have happened to Soun's youngest. Something so terrible that it would reduce his middle daughter to body shaking tears of grief. Nabiki might come across to most people as a cold girl, but she was his darling daughter, and he knew her like no other person in the world. Kasumi might dedicate every waking minute to caring for the family, but he knew that deep down, Nabiki loved her sisters just as much. It was much the same as the fact that she had always walked her little sister to school until Ranma came. He knew that Nabiki played tricks on Ranma sometimes, but that was just to strengthen his love for Akane. No matter what she might say, Nabiki had always guaranteed that there was enough money for everyone to eat, and that no-one ever really bothered them. Despite the hidden closeness of the sisters, Nabiki was one of the most collected and in control girls he had ever known. To watch her sobbing without restraint against his oldest daughter caught Soun's attention like nothing else could. "Nabiki-chan... Where is Akane?" She looked up at her father and tried to answer. She really tried, but no matter how much she worked her mouth, no words came. Sharing a look with Kasumi that instructed her to stay with her sister, Soun rose and left the room. He must have been gone for several minutes before Nabiki collected herself enough to continue the tale to Kasumi. All the while, the older girl had just sat there quietly, hiding her own tension so that she could soothe Nabiki. That same kindness made the middle sister - now youngest - feel even worse. With watering eyes, Nabiki cursed herself for being so useless. If she had not been there... If Akane had not sacrificed herself... "Don't blame yourself, Nabiki. Akane wouldn't have wanted that. She would want you to remember how much she loved you. Don't think about anything else, just remember she loved you, and we all do." Levering herself off the bed so that she could hug her sister again, Nabiki kept a tight grip as she spoke softly into Kasumi's warm shoulder. "You're right. You're always right, Kasumi. If it wasn't Akane, it would have been someone else. They were both out for blood, and it was... We were just... Damn it! She didn't deserve to die for being in the wrong place at the wrong time!" "They? Do you mean you got a look at them? Could we call the police?" Nabiki made a noise somewhere between a chuckle and a sob. "The police can't do anything. No-one can. It was another one of those demons, it... it did something to her. As soon as Akane pushed me out of the way, it grabbed her and... I don't know! I don't know what it did! One moment she's kicking and screaming, and the next, she's just going limp in its arm. I mean, she was still breathing, but she suddenly looked all pale and... I could just tell it was going to kill her somehow." "So the demon killed her?" "It would have, I'm sure of that, it just didn't get the chance. These two girls beat them to it. I don't know who they were; demon hunters of some sort I guess. They wanted to get that demon so bad, they shot straight through her. "They didn't even try and save her, Kasumi! Why didn't they try and save her?" While Nabiki again dissolved into tears, Kasumi rocked her back and forwards and remembered how she had done the same thing for Akane not long before when they had lost there mother. Feeling her own tears start, Kasumi returned the hug, wishing that there was someone who could look after her like this when the pain was too great. And their father - their poor, distressed father - he must have been a complete wreck, wandering through the hospital somewhere. Soun might have been blinded by tears the first time that he came this way, but now he easily found his way back to the admissions desk. Standing tall and strong, he leaned over the admissions orderly and stared at the middle aged woman. "What room is Tendo Akane in?" After he identified himself as her father, the orderly checked the computer. "I'm sorry. No-one by that name was admitted today. Are you sure about that name?" "Of course I'm sure about that name, she's my daughter! Look, her sister Nabiki just told me that she was hurt. Now where is she?" The orderly started slightly then winced. "Oh, Tendo Nabiki's sister. Tendo-san, I'm sorry. I really am. Yoshiko-san! Take Tendo-san down to see..." She checked her computer again. "To see 496." Soun was confused, but followed the silent nurse. The nurse identified as Yoshiko did not say a single thing, simply leading him though corridors of the hospital. His apprehension as the passed the critical recovery rooms peaked and then faded again. Further and further they went, well past the recovery room that Nabiki was resting in. When the nurse stepped into an elevator and invited him to follow, he was completely confused. Surely his little girl would not be on one of the upper floors; they were for longer-term recovery. A downwards jolt as the elevator sank confused him further. The elevator doors hissed open, and cold air washed over him, making him shiver. Then again, that might have been fear. The sight of gleaming stainless steel, and white tiled floors did something to him that terrified the part of him that was a father. Numbly, Soun followed the nurse until she stopped. Turning back to him, Yoshiko looked up. "Tendo-san... I very sorry about your daughter. I was there earlier and... I'm not sure that you want to see this. We haven't had any chance to clean her up yet." Without a word, Soun reached past her and grabbed a metal handle. 496 was the number that the orderly had said. That was the number of the draw he was holding. It was too cold down here. Too cold for his little Akane. She always liked it to be warm. So much like her mother that way, always wearing a sweater or something. This cold room was no place for his little Akane-chan; she preferred somewhere warmer. With a jerk, Soun opened the draw the whole way. Watching with amazement, Soun was surprised that his hand did not seem to shake at all. Of its own accord, his hand tried to tug Akane's blouse shut, but it was too burnt. There was not enough fabric left to cover her... To cover all the... To cover... Even her face... It wasn't burned, it was... She had always been so proud of her pretty hair... She used to have so much of it... Gently Soun stroked the left side of her head where her hair hadn't... Ranma used to love that hair cut... His tomboy, he used to call her... Now it was... It was... Looking away, Soun idly noted that one shoe was missing. She was wearing her yellow socks. For a moment, he had thought they had been the one's with red spots, but then he realised those were in the wash and... One shoe was missing. It seemed so important, somehow. "Can you get her a blanket, please? She never liked the cold." Turning back to the elevator, Soun thought it was such a shame she was missing a shoe. She always liked to be so neat. And still the tears could not come. * * * Sailor Mercury threw out another bank of fog and panted deeply. She thought being a Senshi before had been hard work, but this! This was beyond ridiculous, it was all the way to unmanageable. Mercury was a neat and tidy girl; she firmly believed that everything had its place, and everything should be in its place. Maybe she was naive, but she had always assumed that the Senshi's place was among the winners. Ever since coming back from the future, she had learned to question that truism. It had been bad enough that they had been forced to fight Chibi-Usa as soon as they had arrived. Chibi-Usa was Usagi's daughter from the future, except she did not think of herself that way anymore. These days Chibi-Usa called herself Black Lady, and she was one of the minions of the corrupt and evil forces of the Dark Moon Family. The Dark Moon Family were violent insurgents from Crystal Tokyo, far in the future, and they had corrupted Chibi-Usa someway. Now she was turned against her friends, and not even Sailor Moon's healing had been able to save her when they had their first try. Fighting against one of their own was not what really strained Mercury. It was fighting what seemed to be an endless supply of demented and deformed beasts intent on chaos and destruction. Before they left for the future, they might have fought against one demon a week, some weeks they did not need to fight at all. Certainly Queen Beryl's servants had not managed to do more than that, nor had Emerald, one of the Dark Moon Family. Since Black Lady had escaped them that first day back, they had fought not less that three times against demons. That was only two days ago, and since then they had also missed three more demon attacks. Two of them had been stopped by some mysterious group of girls who tried to dress the same as them, but that had still left one demon attack go completely unopposed. Sailor Moon had been decidedly unhappy with the very idea that there was someone out there ruining the name of the Sailor Senshi. The two girls may have stopped the demons, but the cost in people injured had been far too high. There were even rumours that someone may have died. Catching a glimpse of Sailor Moon through the thinning fog, Mercury wondered just what her leader now thought of her 'good luck'. Yesterday, when they had found out that Emerald had apparently not died in the future as they thought, but was still up to her old tricks, Sailor Moon had been ecstatic. She had been so sad about the fact that Emerald had been driven mad and died in the future, that she took it as a miracle to actually still be fighting her again. The fact that Emerald's newer and more powerful Droids were keeping the Senshi on the ropes went a long way to dampening her enthusiasm. As the last of her magical fog thinned, Mercury ruminated on the unpleasant fact that while they currently fought Black Lady, there was a better than even chance that demons or those relentless demon killers were active elsewhere in the city. They had considered splitting up, but the vote was unanimous to stay together. Black Lady was just too powerful to let Moon oppose her single-handedly, and, when it came down to it, she was one of theirs. Wiseman may have warped her memories and corrupted her innocent little girl's soul, but deep down, all the Senshi believed that Chibi-Usa was still inside Black Lady. With a clear view up to their opponent - no-one wanted to think of Black Lady as an enemy, despite her actions - Mercury briefly marvelled at the physical changes wrought by Wiseman's magic. Not content with warping Chibi-Usa's mind, he had remade her body into what Chibi-Usa obviously thought a villain should look like. Black Lady's face still bore a definite family resemblance to Sailor Moon, but that only added to the insult of her form. Now the cute little girl had become a tall, mature, sensuous beauty. But it was a cold, cruel beauty. Gone was the bright, happy smile. Black Lady replaced that with a malicious, superior smirk that revelled in causing pain. Where once the little girl had worn a modest little school uniform, now Black Lady wore an evening dress that left nothing to the imagination. It had a slit all the way from her ankle to her hip, and the way she walked and stood showed Black Lady took pleasure in revealing her long trim legs from the darkness of her dress. A dress such a deep red that it could be mistaken for black in most light. The top was no better, for while it covered everything, the thin, transparent material down her arms and across the top of her chest hinted at things you would not have considered had you been looking at Neo-Queen Serenity's royal white gown. A thick, studded, black choker did nothing to harm Black Lady's sultry image either. While she watched her team mates run forward to try and subdue the floating Black Lady, Mercury reflected that at least she was honest with herself. No matter what Mercury would say on the subject, she was secretly just a little jealous that she could not wear a seductive dress like that half as well as Black Lady, and Chibi-Usa was really years younger than her. Mercury nodded as she insisted that she was only a little jealous. The Senshi wanted Black Lady back to normal, and Usagi wanted her daughter back. What they really needed was time: time for Moon to cast her healing without Black Lady being able to escape it. The plan had been simple enough; the rest of the Sailors would hold her down, and Moon would convert her back. Already things were falling apart, and it was only their second try. Mars and Venus were already lying squiring on the ground, felled by the agony of Black Lady's dark energy attacks. Mercury and Jupiter almost had her in their grasp when Black Lady was struck from behind by twin blasts of magic, tumbling her to the ground and bowling over the sailors. Hearing Sailor Moon's shout of rage and the discharge of her Moon Tiara, Mercury struggled to right herself and get back into the battle. No matter where she turned or how she thrashed, she seemed to be covered in a tangle of limbs and soft, silky black fabric. A few more shouts and some muffled grunts brought Mercury back to her knees, and she shoves a leg off her shoulder. Looking down briefly, Sailor Mercury flushed deep red. All her struggling had managed to push Black Lady onto her back, then Mercury had push her leg away when it had rested against her neck. Needless to say, Murphy's law had dictated that there was now one leg either side of the embarrassed Mercury, and the poor girl was now quite clear on the fact that the only clothing Black Lady wore that was not dark, dark red was the sunny red shoes on her feet. There were some things Mercury really did not need to know. Scrambling back slightly, Mercury pulled the long near-black dress into a more modest placement. It was only when she was getting up to join her friends in battle did she realise that Black Lady still had not resisted in any way. By the movement of her chest, Mercury could see that she was still breathing, but she was obviously out cold, stunned by the magical blast from nowhere. With a grin, Sailor Mercury jumped to her feet and joined the battle. Sailor Venus was off to the side, trying to shake off the last effects of Black Lady's magic, but nothing could keep Sailor Mars from defending Moon when she thought the girl was in trouble. When Mercury saw who their enemy was, she knew that trouble was the right description. There were two girls, dressed like Sailor Senshi, but obviously not part of the team. They were too old for starters, and no Senshi, under any circumstances, would possibly attack Sailor Moon like they did. The Moon Senshi's skirt was torn, and she was bleeding from a few small wounds down her right arm. Despite the way that Mars and Jupiter were targeting the older girls, their opponents seemed determined to beat through the forces of good and finish what they started on Black Lady. When Sailor Moon caught a powerful bolt of green magic straight in the chest and flew backwards with an agonised scream, Sailor Mercury saw red. She had never been this angry before. Even when they had fought Beryl in the Arctic, she had not been forced to watch her leader suffer so much. The piercing sound of Sailor Moon's high pitched scream snapped something inside the normally calm and quiet Mercury. Mercury's Shabon Spray Freezing had never been the most powerful of attacks, and even that was better than the Shabon Spray that she had been restricted to during the battles with Beryl. Even Mercury would have admitted that it was the weakest of any of the girls' magic. Seeing Moon fly backwards in pain like that made something click. Somewhere inside her, Sailor Mercury remembered. With movements as graceful as any ballerina, Sailor Mercury brought her arms in a circle to end them pointed at the horrid green haired woman that dared to attack Sailor Moon. "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" It was the first time that Mercury had ever done that attack, but now that she had bowled the woman head over heels with her new found power, Mercury found that she could remember exactly what she did. As with so many things since their reincarnation, it took the proper motivation to cause her to remember. Watching Sailor Moon get hurt gave her access to another of her attacks from the Moon Kingdom. An attack powerful enough to make her a worthy adversary to anyone. Mercury smiled in a most unusual manner, then screamed in rage and charged after the blonde woman who was still fighting. Startled by the ferocity of the friend who was usually as meek as a mouse, the other Inner Senshi were slow on the uptake. However, they were fast enough to join the chase after just a few stunned moments, running off both of the women. It did not take too long for first one, then the other woman to loose their pursuers. When Mercury returned to her leader, she pondered what she had seen and learned. There was no doubt that their enemies were strong, no doubt at all. Even with her new attack, Mercury doubted that she could match the power of the Deep Submerge that her water based counterpart had used. In her mind, it was only the fact that the women fought as two individuals, rather than a team that allowed the Senshi to run them off so easily. Not everything was easy, Mercury found to her dismay. While she had been busy leading the charge, and Sailor Moon had been disabled, Black Lady had recovered. Since there was not a trace of their converted friend to be seen, the Senshi helped their leader to her feet and vanished into the night. There would be a time and a place to fight these battles again. Of that, Sailor Mercury was certain. * * * Ryoga looked at the familiar wall and silently thanked whatever Kami had smiled on him and provided the guidance to bring him here. He was just a little late for his challenge to Ranma, but no more than a week or so. The fact that his most beloved Akane and his most hated foe Ranma both resided on the other side of this wall allowed him to recognise it for what it was. After all this time, Ryoga had finally found the Tendo Dojo again, but this time, he was the one possessing the ultimate technique. In a single leap, Ryoga cleared the wall. Most people would have hurt themselves just trying to lift his pack or his umbrella, but he could jump with them easily. Confident in his footsteps, Ryoga walked to the house, sure in his own power. There would be no defeat for him this time. Tonight, Ranma would hang from Ryoga's hand as he prepared to deliver the final blow. When he finally proved how weak Ranma was, and how strong he was, Akane would fall into his arms. His vision of perfect bliss was shattered as his chin bounced off a fist-sized rock, breaking his fall. For a moment Ryoga lay there, trying to decide where he had gone wrong. Wasn't it his dream that Akane would fall for him, not that he would fall over in the middle of the yard? Confident in the fact that it must have been some cunning trap laid by Ranma out of fear, Ryoga pushed himself back to his feet and looked around. Evening might have been starting, and the sun was already below the level of the compound wall, but there was still enough light for Ryoga to see the dojo, or what remained of the dojo. What had once been a dojo was now a pile of scrap timbre. A pile of rubbish in the yard, that was all that remained, and it was a stray piece that had tripped him while he concentrated on his love for Akane. With a derisive snort, Ryoga pushed his hair back and continued on to the house. So, Ranma must have lost to another dojo destroyer. Obviously he was not good enough for Akane. Once Ryoga showed everyone the truth of that, he would build his love a new dojo, somewhere that the two of them could raise their little children in perfect happiness. First, Ranma. Ranma must pay. Ranma must die. Ranma must be made to suffer for everything that he had done to Ryoga over the years. Ditching his pack, Ryoga grabbed his umbrella and jumped straight up to the upper story of the Tendo home. With a crash of breaking wood and glass, Ryoga came in through the window, achieving perfect surprise against his dread enemy. Ranma, obviously stunned by the power and ferocity of Ryoga's mighty entrance was still just sitting there. Never one to let an advantage slip through his fingers, Ryoga snatched up the pig-tailed martial artist in one hand and prepared to pummel the life out of him. Standing there in the semi-darkness of Ranma's unlit room, Ryoga shook his foe a few times. Nothing. No response. Not even a twitch. It had to be some new trick. "What's the matter, Ranma? Do you want me to kill you?" The voice was quiet. Almost silent, but Ryoga's ears were good. Too good perhaps. "Yes." "What did you say!?" The light snapped on, and Ryoga blinked owlishly in the sudden glare. Turning to the doorway, he spied the sneaky middle daughter. With one arm in a sling, Nabiki stood there, a sardonic smile crossing her face. "Oh, don't mind me, Ryoga. I'd clap if I could, but I'm not quite up to it at the moment." Glancing back and forwards between Nabiki and where Ranma still hung limply in his grasp, Ryoga ventured a nervous smile. "It's... It's not what it looks like." With an exaggerated gesture, Nabiki snapped her fingers and stamped her foot. "Gee, well that's just too bad. You see, what I was really hoping was that you were here to kill Ranma." Now he really looked like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. "Oh... Well... That is...." With a few quick steps, Nabiki stood right next to him. She did not spare Ranma a single glance, she only looked Ryoga straight in the eyes. Nabiki had often stared at him before when she wanted to force him to do something, but this time, there was something different in her eyes. This time, there was death in her gaze, and it frightened him. "How much do you hate Ranma?" "What? There aren't enough words to say how much I hate him! I want to kill him! I want to rip his heart out for what he did to me! I want to- --" Nabiki cut straight through his monologue. "But yet you loved Akane. So, how much would you hate someone who insulted her?" Ryoga shook his prey like a rag doll, and Nabiki realised that she might have started too mild. "All right, how about someone that hit her? You know someone that actually punched Akane. Even you know that Ranma would never do that." "I... I'd..." She still had not moved, but Nabiki almost seemed to force him back with the power of her words. "You're right. Not enough. How about someone that beat the crap out of her? Someone that really went all out to hurt her. Not just a fight, but a real beating." Ryoga did not even notice Nabiki's unusually coarse language. Even Ranma slipped from his fingers like a forgotten toy. Walking to the window he stared down at the broken dojo. Was that what it meant? The dojo destroyer had beaten poor Akane? While he had been away training and mastering his new technique, Akane had been alone, without anyone to defend her, only Ranma around. Staring down at his hands, Ryoga could feel the power draining into them. He recognised it now after the weeks of practise. Ki energy: dark, powerful and angry. As his hands glowed green, he closed his eyes for a moment and thought about Akane, Akane hurt perhaps. Maybe... Maybe even bruised on her beautiful, angelic face. "SHI SHI HOKODAN!" The green beam lanced down and into the rubble of the dojo, sending beams of wood everywhere. When he calmed down enough to notice, Ryoga saw Nabiki standing next to him. Nabiki looked up at Ryoga and then down at the dojo again. Actually, she faced the pile of broken scrap, but she did not see it. She was remembering what it was like once she came back from the hospital. Both she and Kasumi were in shock, but her father really worried her. Every day since their mother died, he had cried. Sometimes he cried all day. He had not shed a single tear since he went to see Akane in the morgue. Now he went to bed after Kasumi and rose well before she did, his whole day spent cleaning or tidying. He would work in the garden, clean dishes for Kasumi or wax the floor. Anything he could do, all day long, just to keep himself busy. He would talk to them, but something had died inside their father. He grieved for his daughter, but he could not seem to cry anymore. Years of tears had diminished their value, so now he suffered in silence. Two days ago they had all been in the living room. Nabiki was staring at a new laptop that she had bought the day she got out of hospital. Kasumi had been helping her father clean what little silverware they had. when they heard happy voices coming through the gate, her father had stood instantly. "Kasumi, Nabiki. Stay here. Whatever you do, don't go outside. I was going to be his father-in-law. It... It is my duty to..." Soun had inhaled deeply, braced himself then went outside to greet the Saotomes as they returned from training. The girls had watched silently as Genma entered the room. He was still full of cheer, excited after having spent a week with his son doing what they did best. Both the girls ignored him as they listened to sounds in the yard. A sliding door opened and closed. The sound repeated itself, then Soun had reappeared in the living room. He nodded at his surviving daughters and opened his mouth to tell Genma the horrible facts when a scream had rent the air. Quite simply it was Ranma. Again and again, he screamed in denial. So great were his screams that they shook the house, but they barely managed to cover the sound of shattering wood. The four of them had been forced to listen to those terrible sounds for over three hours. Every single piece of wood, every beam, every joist. Ranma smashed them one by one. The whole time he screamed in torment, but he had not spoken since. Nabiki came back to the present to watch Ryoga standing there, chest heaving. Ranma understood. She knew that. The dojo had not been there for him, it had been there for Akane. For them. For their children. Without Akane, there was no dojo, no future. Ranma understood that. "So, that's were you've been for the past week. Training." "I... I was training in the mountains." "That's why you weren't here to protect Akane." "I couldn't, I was---" "Ranma was training too, so don't even think of blaming him." Ryoga gestured back at his enemy. "But he---" Nabiki's one good arm grabbed his collar and pulled him down to look him in the eye. There could not have been more than a couple of centimetres between them. "I said lay off him. I need him, and I need you. He's useless at the moment, but your going to bring him back for me, because I need him." Pushing away from the much bigger boy, Nabiki stalked back to the middle of the room and grabbed a handful of Ranma's hair. Lifting his head up, Nabiki stared into his eyes. They were glazed, but she was sure that he heard every word that she said. Ryoga - she was just as sure - was hanging on to every syllable. "No-one beat up Akane, Ryoga. She was killed. She was killed in cold blood. She threw me aside, saved me, and she died for it. Those bastards murdered her, and I need you and wonder boy here to get my revenge. Do I have your attention?" It only took one look at the green glowing martial artist to know that she had him. Now all she needed was Ranma. From everything she had seen, one of them alone would not have gotten starting odds against the magic wielding bitches that killed her sister, or the unholy demons stalking Tokyo's streets. Both of them, together... Tilting Ranma's face so that he was forced to look at the glowing Ryoga who had gone rigid with anger, Nabiki kneeled down and placed her mouth close to his ear. She whispered, but in the silence of the room, she was confident she could be heard by both. "I know who it is now. I don't know everything, but I know enough. I've got names, and I'm working on places. Now I've also got the two best martial artists in Nerima, maybe Japan, together in the one room. So what's it going to be? "Are you going to sit there and sulk? Are you going to run off in a fit of rage? Or are you going to listen to your very good friend Nabiki, as she tells you exactly how the two of you are going to work together?" For the first time in two days, Ranma showed signs of life as he lifted himself to stare at her. His grim smile matched Ryoga's, and she could almost feel hope. Hope that these two heroes would be able to get her sister the justice that she could never achieve by herself. "Are you two willing to work together to kill every single one of the Sailor Senshi, and every witch and their damn demons?" Nabiki had their complete, undivided attention. --- End Of Chapter.